Subject: Friend, Don't Miss Out!

Together Create the Inner Champion in You!
Hi Friend, 

I wrote yesterday to tell you about the incredible offer you can get with our 3 Week Kick Start Fitness Intro Offer, as OUR way of saying "THANK YOU" for reading our newsletters.

...and I wanted to make sure that you were able to read the email.

This offer will end in 3 days so don't delay in getting our entire 33 Week Kick Start Fitness Intro Offer for HALF OFF. Here's where you can get your offer for half off:

We're holding this special OFFER as a way to say "THANK YOU" to all the people who read our Premier Boxing for Fitness newsletters. :-)  So here's where you can grab your offer and save 50%:

Try our 3 Week Kick Start Fitness Intro Offer, for 50% off and get FIVE Free Bonuses!

If 50% OFF isn't enough to have you heading to our special "half off" website, these FIVE free gifts will surely do the trick:

Bonus #1: A FREE Body Diagnostic Assessment. The most critical part of an effective exercise program, this series of tests evaluates how well your muscle and neurological systems work.

Did you know that one tiny area of your body isn't working properly, it can affect the rest of your body? For example, if your big toe hurts, it affects the way you walk. This forces your leg and back muscles to work differently...and can ultimately lead to knee, hip and back problems. If your exercise program doesn't take problems like this into account, not only will you not see results - you could end up injured. (A $195 Value)

Bonus #2: A FREE Nutritional Evaluation. Our team of trainers have many years of experience helping over 1,000 men and women with their body toning goals in the Houston area, we have learned the key factors that men and women need to have success with their body toning goals and maintaining it for life. We will show you what those are. Nutritional plans are not one size fits all-bring in a food log showing exactly what you've eaten for 3 days, and we'll tell you the most important things you need to do to jumpstart your body toning goals. 
(A $225 Value)

Bonus #3: A FREE Personalized Meal Plan. Complete with a weekly shopping list...this will help you know exactly what to eat and how to shop for it. 
(A $149 Value)

Bonus #4: FREE Fitness Consultation. Pinpoint the 7 most important things to do to get your body whipped into shape (do these faithfully...and you'll actually enjoy wearing the stunning clothes of summer rather than feeling uncomfortable and overexposed) (A $95 Value)

Bonus #5: Access to our digital fitness-focused accountability support groups.  The greatest advantage of a digital accountability group is that it's always available and there's always someone online you can talk to. (A $115 Value)

Plus SAVE 50% OFF for 3 Week Kick Start Fitness Intro Offer


That's a lot of goodies...and you get it all FREE when you try our entire 3 Week Kick Start Fitness Intro Offer for 50% off.

Go here right now and claim your 3 Week Kick Start Fitness Intro Offer before our session times and locations fill up!

Thanks again Friend!

Coach Eddie Akan
Studio Manager
Premier Boxing For Fitness
510 Wisconsin St.
South Houston, TX, 77587
Studio Number: 713-794-6454

P.S. Don't forget this special half off offer ends in 3 days at midnight.
Premier Boxing for Fitness, 510 Wisconsin St., South Houston, Texas 77587, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.