Subject: 420 College --Cannabis Industry Update

  420 College aim's to provide the most up to date information on the cannabis industries laws and regulations for cannabis businesses. We teach all over the state of California with our classes in Pasadena, Fresno, Sacramento and San Diego. Since our start in 2009, we’ve been providing future and existing cannabis business owners and entrepreneurs with quality cannabis business training by the way of seminars, courses, workshops, conferences and classes in California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Washington D.C, and Ohio.

President/CEO of 420 College and Mayor Jennifer Wood of California City
420 College is proud to say we have recently helped clients in securing five licenses in California City along with our President/CEO George Boyadjian receiving his license for cultivation. As more cities open up, we will continue to help our students and client get more licenses to start their cannabis business. This is only the beginning...
The city of Los Angeles is currently in the process of finalizing their ordinance to start allowing cannabis businesses to operate, but there are still a few problems that will arise if the city does not plan accordingly. Onsite consumption seems to be a huge issue in the process. President/CEO of 420 College George Boyadjian, brought up the point "We are seeing problems in other states that have already legalized marijuana businesses. Tourists come to the city and purchase legal marijuana and find they have no where to smoke it legally."
Attorney Bruce Margolin, a well known attorney and advocate for the cannabis industry agrees, "the city is still treating marijuana users as criminals"

420 College would like to also thank Attorney Bruce Margolin for speaking to our class about the cannabis industry. Mr. Margolin has been involved in the legal side of the cannabis industry since 1967 and shared his knowledge with us.
Need help running you business?
Open your business and STAY in business. FTG Management group will help you build your business for success and help you stay in business in this competitive market
Need a job?
The cannabis industry is growing fast and jobs are needed. Our staffing company will help you to get a job.
420 College, PO Box 16389, Fresno, CA 93755, United States
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