Subject: What Kind of Business Runner Are You?

You are probably connected with me because

you have a deep desire to find a way to make

money online.

Maybe you want to quit your offline job that you hate. Maybe

you just want to make a little extra money to supplement your

retirement income.

Both of these dreams are possible, if you are patient and
avoid "shiny object syndrome". The journey to reliable
online income is a marathon, not a a sprint.

Having the right mindset and expectations is one of the
most important differences between those who ultimately
succeed and those who fail.

If you have the mindset of a sprinter, and you just want to
find a way to get the first 100 yards of the journey as
quickly as possible, then you are probably going to end up
a victim. A victim of people who promise fast results with
little work and small investments of money.

Sprinters end up falling for the "get rich quick"

schemes, or believing that the way to online riches is to

find the "latest and greatest" money making opportunity.

I have been in this business for almost 16 years, and I have

seen it over and over again. So much money wasted and so

many dreams dashed by people who try to get results quickly

and who don't follow the right path. It is a crying shame.

What scares me the most is that I see people falling for
these schemes over and over again. The same people
promoting program after program with the latest buzz-words

Crypto this and CBD that.

The buzz words change,but the programs are all still a sham

that take people's money on the promise of fast riches that

never come.I see the same people who ran the last "money

making opportunity of the decade" starting up new ones after

the old one went bust.

There are always more victims out there.

They grab what they can, shut things down, rinse and repeat,

leaving thousands of victims in their wake. In contrast, I am a

marathon runner, not a sprinter.

I suggest that you take the mindset of a marathon runner as well.

Marathon runners are not concerned with their time in the
first 100 yards of the race. They know that the key to
success is to keep a steady pace over the entire 26 miles.

If they go too hard at the beginning, then they will run
out of steam and never make it to the end. They use
strategies and tactics that will pay off in the long-run,
not in the short term.

Most people who are reading this email will not

follow my strategy.

They are sprinters, not marathon runners. That is
unfortunate because I have never known a sprinter who has
made consistent income for more than a few weeks, even if
they "got in early".

That is why 98% of people fail to make money online. They

follow the sprinters instead of the marathon runners.

I'm not trying to scare you - just being real with you ...

You're seeing a problem where there is no problem. On page
86 & 87 of the 30 minute workday e-book,the author writes
about the 3 simple things to be performed everyday. These 3

things are detailed on page 90 .

If you don't know what they are,I suggest you do yourself a favor...

go and download the 30 minute workday e-book.Then read them for


Here's the link .

Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success TODAY ,

Joe Golson
Online Marketing Solutions

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