Subject: Are you ready to take back control of your finances

Hi Friend,

Thanks for being a member of 30 Minute Workday.

I get at least 10 of the following email

every week.

The writers are desperate.

Here is the question they ask ...

"I have tried all the traffic sources I can think
of, but I am still not getting results.

What should I do?"

I already know the problem they are suffering from
before I even ask the next question.

They are trying to sell to strangers.

When I ask what they are promoting to the traffic,
the answer is almost always the same.

"I am trying to sell products from Clickbank, JVZoo,
or a business opportunity."

Like I said before, they are trying to sell to strangers
... and it doesn't work, except in rare circumstances.

You can't make a consistent income online if you only
make one sale a month.

Is that what it feels like when you are promoting?

Most of the time there is nothing. However, every
once in a while, you make a small sale.

That hope from the sale keeps you going down the
wrong path for a while longer.

That is the facts. You are on the wrong path.

The wrong path never leads to where you want

to end up, no matter how long you walk on it.

You have to get on the right path which will get
you to the proper destination in the shortest time

The right path to reliable online income is to
build an audience of people who know, like, and
trust you.

When you have an audience of people who are paying
attention and interested in you, then you have the
keys to the kingdom.

There is no shortcut to an engaged and responsive
audience. You have to turn strangers into friends
and friends into customers.

That means that the traffic you are now wasting
on sales pages needs to be sent to lead capture
pages instead.

The goal is not to sell a stranger a product.

The goal is to get a stranger to give you their
email address so you can work on turning them
into a friend.

"But building a list is hard and takes time."

Yes it does take time, but it doesn't have to
be hard.

Picture yourself a year from now.

If you keep promoting sales pages and trying to
sell to strangers, then you will be in the exact
same place you are right now.

You will have spent money and time on the wrong
path and have nothing to show for it.

Or ... if you start building your list now, then a
year from now you will have a valuable asset for the
time and money you are going to spend anyway.

That asset can be paying off and will keep paying off
for the long-term, if you do it right.

I make ALL of my income from these emails I write.

Without these emails, I would have never been able
to succeed. It took me three years of continuous
effort to reach that point.

However, it has paid the bills for the last 16 years

It is a marathon, not a sprint.

Sprinters get tired after 100 metres.

Marathon runners go for many miles.

Are you a sprinter or a marathon runner?

I want to work with marathon runners because I know
that they have what it takes to be successful.

Sprinters looking for the quick win will always lose
in the business world.

If you have what it takes to run the marathon we call
"online business" then we want to train you and give
you the systems to be successful.

The 30 minute workday affiliate marketing plan will
do that.

It is full of marathon runners who are building audiences
and making money.

If there was a shortcut to online success, then this

would be it.

30 Minute Workday have made it simple because you just
have to consistently send traffic.

... and we even show you how and where to do that.

Best of all, the 30 Minute Workday membership site has
easy to follow printed and video instructions
... so you want be overwhelmed.

If you are willing to follow instructions and invest in
some paid advertising 30 Minute Workday will help you build
an audience of responsive prospects using the power of know,
like and trust.

You just have to commit to your long-term success and future.

Click "here" ,login - 30 minute workday .

Take advantage of the opportunity that is before you

Joe Golson

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