Subject: Are you planning for success or failure

When we don't plan for success, we plan to fail.

We all have failed at something, but with me failure is not an option.

There's a lesson learned in every failure

While struggling to invent the electric light Thomas Edison said " I have not failed. I just found hundreds of ways that didn't work".

He says he wishes he failed faster and more often.

Now that’s a healthy way to look at failing.

But don’t you worry.

I’m not here to advocate your next big flop.

I’m not here to encourage you to dive into the deep end and drown.

I’m here to make your life a little bit easier.

Unlike Mr. Edison with his invention, you don't have to fail at earning online.

Thanks to successful marketers like Nick Bramble and friends at the Home Business Academy, you don't have to invent anything.

A solid marketing plan is already created for making money online

I feel failure is important, but not always necessary.

With some things, you can skip a lot of failure and get amazing results.

Freedom Launchpad is a great example of this concept. Easily put it in action

See you there,


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