Subject: 🏆 We Have Ourselves A Winner With This Viral System

Holy smokes , Friend ! Viral Traffic Genie is a winner. If you missed my email
yesterday, I told you about Jerry Iannucci's new site - Viral Traffic Genie. He is
the owner of several programs including the long time running and result
oriented mailer Mister Safelist. Well this new system creates a tidal wave of
viral traffic that can become very lucrative. I have been a member for just
over a day now, and my banner has gotten over 4,000 views, with several new
leads coming from it

On top of that several of you have joined me - Thank You! - and several of
you that joined me took the super inexpensive upgrade too - Thank you as well!

Now Jerry just sent an update out, and said over 200 new members in its initial
24 hours. He also hinted at raising the price soon, as he will be adding some
more features. It is currently $20 for a whole year! Thats it! So if you want
a tidal wave of viral traffic, and some sweet commissions, join me today!

CLICK HERE to Join Viral Traffic Genie!
(you may need to clear cookies as it seems to switch sponsors
after you go through the banners sometimes).

Jason Wise handed out some more free prizes yesterday at Viral Mailer For You,
as he does every Thursday! Just for clicking some ads, being active, I just
happened to be one of the winners being a Set And Forget Solo at the
sister site - Free Advertising For You. That is basically 700-900 free clicks
I earned, as it Is a solo ad that will go out 3 times over the next week! Of course
it will most likely be a Secrets Of The Big Dogs capture page like THIS HERE,
as I know I will get several new leads as I always do from promoting a capture
page at the For You sites. It is so simple to get free advertising at both sites.

Not a member? Join below - get active - get your ads seen!

Join Free Advertising For You HERE

Join Viral Mailer For You HERE

Grab A Ton Of Free Promo Codes And Free Traffic
at Free Promo Codes For You HERE

Lets Traffic!

To your online success,

Joe Golson

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