Subject: Your marketing will NEVER be the same after this (limited time offer)

Hey, Isaiah Gibson here.

For a LONG time, the affiliate industry has been stagnant...

People have been teaching the same stale methods to the masses that don't have the same effect as say 10 years ago.

When I first started, I learned these old methods, and sure, they have SOME value

But the problem is you're not really prepping yourself for the long game.

That's when it hit me:

we've all been fed empty promises...

The glass isn't even half full, it's damn near empty.

Trust me when I say the affiliate industry will NEVER be the same once this new method hits the public.

All of those "gurus" on YouTube will start flocking to teach this new strategy.

This is what my mentor teaches and has seen EXPLOSIVE results from his students and peers.

Now here's how you can get in on the action (CRITICAL DATES):

The program is called Freedom Breakthrough 2.0 and it starts August 15.

My mentor is personally taking on a handful of students to do group coaching, ensuring each and every one of them succeeds.

This is going to be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Add that date to your calendar, make a post-it, whatever it takes to remember.

How are you going to make the cut, you ask?

You're going to get on my Earlybird waitlist and gain access to the course a whole day before the offer is available to the general public.

Slots are EXTREMELY TIGHT, like Coachella's arm-room tight.

Check out this free 6-part video series where my mentor explains exactly why this new method is so effective (the first video was already released, but you can watch the replay for a short while).

The second video is coming out TOMORROW, August 4th, so be sure to tune in for that.

Now there are going to be some sweet BONUSES during launch week ONLY!

  • White label 3 Day Challenge

  • 75% Commissions FOR LIFE

  • YouTube Ads Mentoring Program (valued at $5,000)

  • Group Coaching from my mentor Jonathon Montoya, personally.

And if you opt-in using my affiliate link, I'll throw in some awesome goodies too such as:

  • Traffic Knights eBook (valued at $97)

  • Social Media Marketing Made Easy, 13 module course on social media marketing (valued at $1997)

  • Social Locomotive, 7 module course on social automation (valued at $599)

  • Email Marketing Success Checklist (valued at $97)

All you have to do is send me a screenshot or forward the receipt after purchasing the course.

These bonuses go hand in hand with the advanced training: Jonathan walks you through the entire process and the bonuses provide supplemental lessons to allow you to scale.

No other affiliate comes CLOSE to providing this much value.

But the offer is only available during launch week. After that, I'll be offering these bonuses as separate offers (can't give away my entire business for free haha).

So don't keep putting off your online business!

Again, the waitlist link is here as well as the free 6-part video series to get you started.

Peace & Blessings,

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

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