Subject: Vision vs Distractions. How do you know the difference?

How much time have you lost from “seductive distractions” in your life?

One of the most overlooked costs for new passive income seekers is the time they spend going after opportunities that aren’t aligned with their greater vision and values.

I call these “seductive distractions,” and they’re a killer for any sincere passive income seeker.

Then again, most people don't have a vision.

Where are you going?

What do you need to get there?

How far are you from that goal?

What can I do today to get closer to that goal?

A lady recently reached out . She’s kept buying these cheap courses which costed

$97, $297, $197 and at the end of the day when she added it all up, she had spent quite a bit of money. 

We all know these fly by night, push button profits, fake it till you make it gurus exist.


The thrill of getting rich quick, the rush of blood, the adrenalin and the quick dopamine hit continues to catch many people out. 

Be honest with yourself.

How many digital courses do you have login details for that you did absolutely nothing with?

Then the real deal comes along and these people are asked to spend a bit of money on a real coach or course and they spurn the opportunity saying it costs too much.

When the lady joined the 3 day business breakthrough challenge...

As she went through a proven vision process, she realised she wasn't totally clear of parts of her vision.

But then she took the time to get tons of clarity:

 about her vision,

the specific outcome she wanted to focus on,

and what the steps looked like to get there.

About a week after joining the 3 day business breakthrough challenge , I got a message from her, telling me how two opportunities had surfaced that she normally would have said YES to.

But because of what she learned about her vision, she was able to clearly and quickly assess that they were seductive distractions.

They promised to pay well, but they were completely outside of the focus of her vision which was based on a solid course, with a genuine coach and mentor with proven results for himself and hundreds of students which proved the value of the course by their results.

This right here is how you know the difference between a vision and a distraction.

In the past, she would have said yes and committed to them…and then regretted it half way into the courses..

But, because she was so clear about her vision, she knew they weren't aligned.

So… she kindly said, “No, thank you” to both of the opportunities.

It felt uncomfortable at first...

But she knew without a doubt that the 3 day challenge was very much aligned to her vision that she could continue and finish the course with confidence.

One of the things she shared with me was that it was so much easier and simpler to discern which opportunities to say yes or no to with the clarity she gained around her vision.

These are what I call vision-driven decisions.

I think it's one of the ultimate superpowers that most passive income seekers underestimate.

My business coach and mentor, Jonathan Montoya tried all the tricks of the make money online trade. 

He spent the money and made the mistakes so we don't have to. 

Jonathan also leads by example and continues to wake up early to post content and to take the necessary steps to build his business because he has a clear vision which drives him.

In fact, If you’re ready to get started on the perfect business model that gives you time as well as money, so you can stay laser-focused on the right opportunity, I’d love for you to join us.

Click here to get started

Let's get you the clarity and the results you've been searching for.

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals LLC

PS: If you have any questions about the 3-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge, parts of your funnel, or need a hand building your systems, I offer consultations to members of my Facebook Group during my live Q & A sessions. I hope to see you there!

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