Subject: This was his life, until recently...

See how my 65 year old dad shifted his entire life.

James sat in his chair, an old recliner he found on the side of the road outside of his jobsite.

He could barely afford to buy this one; it's all he has left.

His entire life was slipping through his fingers and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

James had done construction for over 30 years but never made enough money to last more than a few months at a time.

Now, as soon as James turned 65, things got worse: He knew that if retirement didn't happen soon, life would be short-lived especially with the meager $2k per month income.

James felt like collapsing into himself because of how little control he had over his own future- or anyone else’s for that matter.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, with no clear line in sight.

He wanted to shift his cycle, knowing his corporate days were limited.

Recently, James' retirement hopes were shot down after his construction job was replaced by a competitor's company.

Now James is jobless at 65 years old without a true cushion.

James is my father that traded his entire life consistently for money, hoping for the eventual break.

James is also the everyday worker, thinking the only path in life is to find a backbreaking position at a job that can replace you at the drop of a hat.

Now James is focusing on a life shift and is willing to invest in the lessons inside the 3-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge.

I told my dad about the challenge...

How the lessons inside showed me how to use evergreen systems to earn more time.

How the creator left his 6-figure engineering position to spend more time with his family.

Now I'm offering you the same choice.

If you're tired of breaking your back, sacrificing your precious years to barely scrape by, then take the challenge.

Finish it.

Break the cycle of inadequacy.

But most of all, retake control of your life.

As always, ask me any questions or concerns.

It's Your Time

-Isaiah Gibson-

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