Subject: Stop being so damn perfect

Hey it's Isaiah again,

I want to let you in on a conversation I had with my mom the other day.

See, my mom is the type of person to sacrifice everything she has for everyone around her.

She raised 4 kids, all with huge age gaps between them, on her own. 

We moved around through the Greater Washington, DC area A LOT

She gave up her college aspirations to work three jobs at once until she finally landed in the federal government.

But she was never truly happy...,

and that deeply hurt my soul.

So I asked her,

"Ma, you do so much for us, when is it time to do something for YOU? Don't you have any dreams?"

She replied

"Of course I had a dream. I want my own catering company because I love seeing the smiles when people eat my cooking...

But I gave that up because it would be too much on me and I don't think I'll be good at it once I start."

I'm not surprised she was pessimistic about her goal, it's hard to balance a demanding job and raising a family on your own.

So I told her,

"Ma, we're all grown now and you've NEVER had any complaints about your cooking. Let's just start small and serve one dish at a time"

She simply shrugged me off with a frown... 

Now I bet you're wondering, why am I sharing this with you?

It's because I've seen firsthand how fear can paralyze you into thinking you aren't good enough.

Or that you won't succeed if you tried.

Please, please stop being such a perfectionist

Trying to be perfect will cause you to NEVER actually try your hand at anything. 

In life, you will hit roadblocks.

There will be challenges.

But through it all, you must have a will to grow and move forward.

Use those roadblocks and challenges as stepping stones.

Get back up when you feel like you've been knocked down.

And most of all, don't quit on yourself.

Because I haven't given up on you yet

I never will.

I want us BOTH to thrive.

So when you get a chance, check out this short piece. 

If you ever hit a wall you think you can't overcome, watch it again and again.

And then get back to me when you're ready to get back on your feet

Ready to keep fighting for your dreams.

Thanks for listening,

Isaiah Gibson

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