Subject: So you wanna travel more?

Nothing better than a flexible, passive business

So you wanna travel more?

Having a business where you can travel the world and actually enjoy yourself while doing so requires just two things:

Systems (automation or team)


White lines

Now, I’m not just pulling this out of thin air.

In the last 30 days, some affiliate marketers have been to multiple continents and stayed at different luxury hotels while having the time of their life and generating more than 6 Figures of cash.

So, here’s how to continually grow your company while seeing the world.

First - systems:


Y-our -




M-oney &


(Screenshot that and tag me @Your Handle! Let's get this trending)

Systems will give you time to be able to go out and enjoy yourself.

Things such as “when a new client is signed, here’s how we capture their details and keep in touch with them” - then having either a machine or a human execute on that.

Systems create consistency of results. Plus, ensure that there’s still momentum while you are physically not working.

Hashtag passive income baby.

If you don’t have systems, you’re not able to both travel and make moolah at the same time. Your business or your mental health will suffer. Or both.

Spend time setting them up now and you’ll reap the rewards in the future. If you’re not sure where to start or if your existing systems aren’t working so great, click here and book a free call right now to gain clarity from experts who can spot the gaps instantly.

Second - white lines (staying in your lane):

It’s critical to make the decision as to what you will do and what you don’t do.

When traveling, there’s a LOT to do. It’s all new.

And when you travel with a bit of a following, you’re invited to see and do literally anything you want, all for free ( when you know how 😜 ).

I made a decision ONE time that I will stay true to my personal values and the routines I like to live by. I’m not religious about these routines, but things like the following are NOT skimped on, 99% of the time:

7 hours of sleep per night

Healthy eating

Daily step goal

5-6x per week workouts

Are you lacking in any of these?

These consistent rituals mean that when deciding to make that 1% decision to skip a workout to go on a sunrise helicopter tour followed by a day at the waterfalls and dinner on the beach, you're able to rest knowing that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity you get to enjoy, thanks to your regular consistency.

Plus, you're to enjoy it thanks to the systems you have set up.

But then there’s things like peer pressure. For example, going for dinner with the owner of the hotel you're staying at, thinking it would be a casual meal.

You get there and the food’s amazing - everyone’s having fun but you decided before that you're done with all night parties.

Next thing you know, the restaurant turns into a nightclub.

Despite wanting to go home, you also find out that the club turns into a silent disco at midnight… So you relax into it, continuing the commitment of no alcohol and knowing that you had no calls early the next day and that you could still get your 7 hours of sleep.

You made a promise to yourself that you would still hit your workout (which you do, despite REALLY not wanting to) - and everything ends up awesomely.

If you hadn’t had the white lines, you would have ended up drinking way too much tequila, feeling crap the next day, sleeping in WAY later, skipping the workout, and being incapable of doing anything productive (which means you never would have sent that email and would still be bottlenecked).

Knowing your core values is critical - because not only is health one. But so is freedom. And while white lines seem like they curtail freedom, they actually allow for it to a much greater degree.

You’re able to relax into things and really enjoy yourself in the present moment.


Isaiah “systems freak” Gibson

PS - whenever you’re ready… head over here and book a free call with us right now

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

PS: I'll be doing a single free one-on-one session if you're serious about growing your online business. The very first meeting, we will sit and discuss your plans and develop a strategy to get you started.

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