Subject: Last Minute Gift Idea to Yourself

Treat yourself this time around

It's almost the end of the year

The kids are getting anxious for their presents

The in-laws are roaring to spend another day at your place

And work is finally slowing down to give you a breather

But somehow, you still feel down.

You worked your ass off all year

Yet there's still the same financial distress.

Remember those days when you were in your prime?

Not a care in the world.

Those days aren't long gone.

You just put yourself in the back burner.

This holiday season let's shift gears.

Let's put you back on top.

Give yourself the gift that keeps on givin'.

A second chance.

A new wind.

An online business that runs itself.

Make the holidays jolly again.

Once you get a taste of true, passive, recurring income

You'll feel a load lifted off your shoulders.

So get back in the driver's seat

And get yourself going in only 3-days.

OF course, I'll be here to help you every step of the way

Just give me a ring or hop on a call whenever you're ready.

And if I don't hear from you between now and then,


Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

PS: I hope you're finding value in the Facebook Group! I'm always available to answer questions or concerns you may have. If you aren't a member yet, what's the hold up?!

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