Subject: How to become the person you dreamt as a kid...

Hi Friend,

If you are at home watching netflix all day

Instead of CREATING content yourself

because you're worried about what people will think of you

You're doing yourself a major disservice

You're holding YOURSELF back.

And I promise you

You AREN'T alone.

I used to sit in the shadows too.

Scrolling through social media

Spending hours on TikTok and Instagram.

Then I had my daughter and EVERYTHING changed.

I would hold her in my arms

Marveling at this little creation that's literally HALF of me.

And she'd give me the cutest smile.

So I want to give her the world.

But we can't give our loved ones anything

If we stay at ZERO.

We have to put ourselves out there.

We have to put in the WORK

We have to be consistent.

We can't worry about being PERFECT all the damn time.

Don't worry what our friends or our bosses think.

Screw all of those guys if they judge us for pursing our dreams.

Because in a year from now, we'll be the ones smiling down on them.

If you're serious about being the best version of yourself.

For yourself and your loved ones

You have to be willing to step out of your shell.

Click here to break the mold that's been keeping you down.

But don't worry, you aren't alone in this transformation.

I'm right here beside you.

Feel free to reach out anytime if you have any questions on where to go next.

I don't care if you're a total beginner, or a master. I'll help you at any stage of your journey.

Take care!

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

PS The one-on-one sessions have already started and slots are filling FAST. If you want a quick chat to expedite your learning, simply reply to this email or book your session here. I look forward to working with you!

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