Subject: How Dave rose from the ashes to become financially free in months

From drowning to thriving. A case study

Dave lived an average life.

He had a decent job, married his high school sweetheart, and had two kids.

He and his family lived in a 2 bedroom apartment that cost more than a single two week paycheck.

In college, Dave took out a lot of loans to earn his degree so he could have the best chance at getting a good job. But as soon as he graduated, there were no jobs to be found.

He didn't have the qualifications for anything better than a minimum wage salary and was barely able to keep up with his loan repayments.

It was a vicious cycle, Dave would work hard to pay off his debt but then need more money just to survive.

It just seemed impossible to break the chains that held him down.

One day while working overtime, Dave logged into Facebook and came across an advertisement for an online program called "Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing".

He saw that it was only the price of a cup of coffee and it seemed too good to be true.

It hadn't been very long since he last checked this type of stuff, but the algorithm seemed to work in Dave’s favor.

At this point, Dave had nothing to lose.

He’s already tried dropshipping using Facebook Marketplace, selling on Amazon, and spent hours completing surveys trying to make some “quick cash.”

You know how much money he’s made doing all of that?

A measly $50...

Do you know how much it all cost him?


Dave returned to the page he saved on his desktop.

“Launch an online business in just 3 days.”

He looked into the instructor. Jonathan Montoya, ex-electrical engineer that left his job in less than 9 months to become a full time digital marketer. All without having his own product.

Dave figured all else has already failed him, so this would be the last straw.

His last hoorah.

He purchased the course and watched the videos in a single day.

He was overwhelmed by the amount of thorough information and said to himself, “I finally think this is it.”

The next day, Dave returned to the course and slowly started applying the steps.

Three days later, Dave’s work was up and running.

Feeling accomplished, Dave then started to promote his ideal product and took to TikTok to promote it.

Using Jonathan’s methods, Dave’s social media blew up. Now, he’s gathering leads faster than he can keep up.

In just a few weeks, Dave went from distraught and lost, to focused and thriving.

This is what digital marketing can do for you.

If you want to use the same methods that got myself and Dave back on track,

Just click here.

Start the challenge.

Finish it.

And you’ll never look back.

As always, feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Take a chance in yourself, and watch the growth that blossoms.

Peace and blessings

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

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