Subject: He must be a FOOL for doing this...🤦‍♂️

Is he dumb or what?

I couldn't believe he did that...

The surprised look on his boss...

The look of envy and disappointment of his co-workers...

He finally submitted his letter of resignation.

He was finally gonna quit his 6-figure Engineering Job for real.

His friends thought he was going crazy (life crisis?? Maybe!)

His wife was concerned.

Even he himself was a bit hesitant.

But he wanted to do this for years.

His journey to this point was a bumpy ride.

It was a soul-crushing 60 hour work week with stress to the core of his brain.

He had no time for his wife and kid. His health was declining, he was going bald,

his life was passing by...

He is a trained engineer so he's always been good at solving problems...

So why not find solutions to his own "Problem?"

“How can I live where I have more time for myself and my family ?”

“To do the things I always wanted to do as a kid and young man ?”

“How to make some extra cash so I can cut down crazy work hours? “

Late at night and during the weekends he searched online - Google, Youtube, even Amazon.

He came across answers...

Dropshipping businesses, MLM, Selling on Amazon, etc.

Inexperienced and desperate... He dove into the deep.

Tried Amazon FBA for 3 months. After paying all the Amazon fees, he had no profits.

Only expenses.

Wasted money on MLM and was scammed by two MLM companies.

Never even tried dropshipping after seeing a few people he knew wasted over $6000 on FB ads and no or little sale. (or got their ad account shut down)

Wasted a sizable amount of hard-earned money buying more courses and joining mastermind groups of GURUS.

He gave up several times.

It was confusing. Discouraging!

His wife complained he was not with his family even on weekends. (He was constantly working on side hustles or consuming courses, etc)

But the thought of spending the next 30 years of his life…

Getting up and stuck on the freeway...

...Fluorescent lit office, bad bosses, office politics, seeing his life slowly corroding to nothingness, growing old without doing anything he always wanted

Scared the shit out of him.

He tried different stuff...

Facebook Groups, SEO, Funnels, AdSense, Youtube, email marketing...

Some of those started generating successes.

Slowly he started to see the patterns and continued to take action. (and stop buying new info


Within the next 9 months, he was earning the same amount ( actually, a little bit more) that he was earning from his engineering job.

All from working late at night and on weekends, to several different online income-generating businesses.

It was time to quit his dreaded engineering job.

He was so proud of it.

But It was not an overnight success.

What he later realized was ???

It was not new “tricks” or “new systems”.

It was the SKILLS he developed that helped his success.

He developed and honed the skills and experience through his failed attempts in the past.

The key to online business success is NOT more and more knowledge, secret systems, or expensive mastermind groups


Having a handful of critical SKILLS.

Online business building is a SKILL anyone can develop.

If you can learn how to drive you can learn how to build a profitable online business.

This realization changed his life (and later the lives of the many others whom I teach these skills)

And if you are somebody who is thinking about starting an online income generating business...

Or somebody who has been trying to start an online business but failed (like I was)

You absolutely want to look into …

The 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge.

The mission of the 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge is to support the people who are new to online business.

Helping you to get the fundamental understanding and develop the key SKILLS you need for REAL online business success.

Helping you to break through your fears, hesitation, and resistance to starting something online.

Life begins with baby steps!!

So is your entrepreneurial life.

With the 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge, I want to help you to dip your toe in the water of online business.

So you can get knowledge, acquire skills, and build confidence that you too can create an online business one step at a time. (with the complete guidance and hand-holding from me)

During these 3 days, my mentor Jonathan will show you step by step, click by click, how to start your online business, even if you have no idea where to start.

Click this link to register for the 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge 

What You DON'T NEED for the 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge ???

>>$1000 or more budget

>>A product or service to sell

>>Be a tech genius or social media ad expert

>>Having years of prior experiences

>>Lots of free time to dedicate to this challenge.

And this is not yet another theory course or drop shipping or other Scamy MLM course.

“The 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge” is a hands-on skill-building training program.

If you are looking for how to become a millionaire overnight or learn the latest tricks and my secret system to make money online...

I am sorry this is NOT for you.

My aim with the 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge is to get you started from the fundamentals without overwhelming you with all the crazy advanced skills or theories.

So you will understand the basics, feel confident in your new skills, and feel good as you have already taken the first steps to build your online business.

You can continue to hate your job, feel jealous of those who are living the life of freedom, and continue to waste your life for the next 30 years… making somebody else rich & famous.


Make a decision today, take action, and take control of your life starting from 2021- quit your day job, get a life of freedom or create a side income.

Register for the 3-day Business Breakthrough Challenge Now 

This is your life!

You have the power to change it as I did. (so has many of our students)

But you have to make a decision today.

Choose wisely,

Because the decision you make now can change the direction of your life for the next 30 years.

Best regards,

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

PS: This is a true story btw. It is possible to reinvent your future using online business. You just need the right strategies in place and the right mindset.

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