Subject: Do You Really Need To Buy A Course?

Brutally honest answer

Hey Friend

Do I really need to buy a course?

I get asked this questions all the time.

Chances are that every single day that you log into any of your social media profiles, you see someone selling you a course, and many times they tell you that whatever they are selling is exactly what you've been missing to get results.

I've met people that started online at the same time that I started (7 years ago), and to this day they keep buying course after course without taking action.

They have spent 5 figures on programs, and made less than $1,000 in 7 years.

I've also met people that bought a course once, and went ahead to build 7 figure per month businesses.

Also people that never bought any course and figured things out on their own.

I will be 100% honest with you here.

Every Guru will tell you that it's a MUST to buy their course to succeed.

But that's not true, and the truth is that you don't NEED to buy a course to succeed in something.

I'm creating a new business on the side about a topic I'm really passionate about. It is a new topic that I'm still learning about, and I don't know everything about it.

But I am 100% sure I will make it work. Not a single doubt about it.

I haven't bought any courses on growing this type of business, and probably won't buy one anytime soon.

The reason being because the marketing principals stay the same regardless of the niche you're getting into.

This probably sounds strange coming from someone that sells a program teaching other people how to start online.

But I know you value the truth, and you know how to identify it.

So here's how I believe it works:

You can definitely figure things out on your own if you're truly committed, and if you're willing to take action for 6-12 months without seeing any results.

In the beginning I was figuring things out on my own. For 12 full months I took action and didn't invest in a coach.

After 1 year of trial and error I eventually cracked the code on how to get customers organically.

So it is possible.

BUT, it takes more time, more money and a lot more mental strength because you don't really know if you're going on the right path, or if you're just wasting your time.

For me, failing for 1 year was ok because I was extremely young and even if it took me 5 years to crack the code, I would still be living my dream lifestyle.

Investing in a coach, program or course typically gives you clarity on the type of game-plan you have to execute.

I invested in a course called the 3 day business breakthrough challenge 

It typically also allows you to join a community of people that have the same mindset as you, and that have similar goals. And this is very powerful.

These days, while I still invest in myself a lot, I don't go buy a new course every time I create a new business.

The roadmap is now clear in my mind, because I already have many years of marketing experience.

I know what is the practical step-by-step process to get a business off the ground quickly.

Buying a course will just slow me down, and get me off track, because I trust my game-plan and my previous experience more than anything.

It's not about being close minded, it's about being able to identify when something will either hold you back, or help you get results faster.

I know I don't need a course for this new business, because I developed a game-plan that has proven to work for me time and time again, and spending my time watching more courses will get me off track and it will make me not execute my proven game-plan as efficiently.

So here's the thing:

If I had to start all over again with no knowledge, I would DEFINITELY invest in a course/program/mentor, specially one that has a community of cool people with it.

For me the community and networking is just as important as the course itself.

This would help me get results so much faster.

Later once you find out what works for you and you replicate it many times, then you don't need to keep buying course after course. In fact, you just need to focus on your own course.

You should still learn daily by reading books, watching videos or networking.

But by this point, sometimes a course will just hold you back.

You need to learn how to identify where you're currently standing, be real with yourself and based on that decide what is best for you.

I read daily, watch Youtube videos daily, and connect with people that have more experience than me. I want to keep learning!

BUT, I don't go buying $97 marketing courses from a different guru every week.

On the other hand, I have been buying info products about the niche of my new business, and getting myself into closed communities because I'm fairly new to the topic and I want to get up to speed ASAP.

So I hope this email gave you clarity about this topic.

And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email. I'll be happy to address any that you have.

Take care!

Isaiah Gibson

Digital Marketer

Lightwolf Visuals, LLC

PS: My Facebook Group is on and popping! I'll be doing live trainings twice a week on different parts of the online biz space. I also have awesome resources just for joining. If you aren't a member, you're missing out!

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