Subject: Dive Deeper: Why I'm Switching to

Hey again Friend!

In the last email, I told you I'm making the bold move of migrating MY ENTIRE BUSINESS to a new platform.

Today, I wanted to share a few more reasons why I made the switch and why it might be a great fit for you too.

One of the aspects I love about is its budget-friendly nature.

I started with Clickfunnels, and while it was awesome at building funnels and landing pages...

It was like 300 bucks a month!

When you're just learning digital marketing, every penny counts, especially when you have hungry mouths at home.

So I made my way to Groovefunnels (which is now

They've been awesome from the start.

The pages loaded crazy fast

The video hosting is top notch

And the blog is super easy to use.

But then came the issues...

The email marketing feature is still lagging behind in features and deliverability.

The page builder has random bugs when you spend all day working.

I just got fed up with how slow the updates and bug fixes were coming.

They're still a very good platform, but I find the biz is starting to slide

(and not in a good way).

That's when I kept hearing about Systeme. gives you the best of all worlds a fraction of the cost, making it an economically sound choice.

You can build fast, responsive websites and sales funnels,

You can create dynamic email automations

You can even create and launch your online courses in no time at all.

Systeme literally grew its business faster than any company I've ever seen

And they're still growing!

For me, personal growth is always a priority

Why not grow financially too with a company that's easy to use and doesn't bankrupt you

With, you're able to focus more on what you do best - running your business and creating content.

In the next few days, I'll be sending more details about how you can make the most of

Until then, here's a free video guide about how to make your first 11k using

I wouldn't sleep on this if I were you.

Stay tuned!


[Your Name]

I hope you find the video guide helpful. I'm trying to find more tangible, affordable trainings you can act on IMMEDIATELY.

Let me know if I can help in any way!

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