There is an intense song about Sheila Na Gig. It’s very punk so bang your head and jump around like the magical wild woman you are! Sheila Na Gig Song by PJ Harvey You can keep listening or just be quiet and let out any sounds you want to let out. With every inhale, unburden yourself and visualize yourself turning goddess mother green through your entire body.
Now see, sense, and feel a doorway in front of you. It is your doorway, a doorway of your dreams, so create it as simply or ornately as you desire. Fill in all the details. Step into your doorway and be in the otherworld you created. This a place you can find what you need at this time in your life to OPEN to. Does your heart need to open to love? Or, do your lungs need forgiveness? Could your bones need a rest or does your body need to play? When you get the answer you need, close the door and come back into your green body. Then allow the green to go back into the earth and trees and in your own beautiful and powerful body return to this world completely present, relaxed, refreshed, and energized to receive what you need. Welcome back and enjoy. |