Find a time and place where you will not be disturbed. Begin a list of all you have in your life. For example, friends, pets, home, plants, clothes, talent, creativity et cetera. When you finish your list sit or lie with your spine straight and close your eyes.
Take a nice inhale and exhale. As you take another deep breath, allow yourself to inhale sweet-smelling golden energy. As you exhale, this sweet-smelling golden energy circulates throughout your body. Do this again. Now feel, sense, or see the entrance to a tunnel: it can be one you know or one you imagine. Enter that tunnel. The tunnel is pleasant and well-lit, and as you move through it your relaxation deepens.
At the end of the tunnel is a path. The path takes you to an enormous lotus pond. On the banks of the lotus pond are sumptuous cushions, the most luxurious clothing you have ever seen, and some exquisite jewelry. Put on the clothes and jewels, and seat yourself on the cushions. Food and drink appear before you in an inexhaustible supply.
When you have made yourself comfortable and refreshed yourself, turn your gaze to a pond. As you watch the pond, a huge lotus flower begins to open, revealing Lakshmi in all her splendor. She asks for your list and you hand it to her. You give thanks to her for the abundance you have in your life and ask her for abundance in the area where you need it. She asks you to hand over a tangible physical symbol to represent that area of your life. As you give it to her, you feel a tremendous sense of relief. You experience the luxury of knowing that she is taking care of that aspect of your life. As you give it to her, you feel a tremendous sense of relief. You experience the luxury of knowing that she is taking care of that aspect of your life. It is now time for you to return. You bid Lakshi goodbye and thank her. She tells you to keep the clothes and jewels. As she speaks, the clothing and jewelry dissolve and become part of you. You are left with the sensation that you are still beautifully attired. Now you follow the path back to the tunnel. You return through the well-lit and comfortable tunnel.
You leave the tunnel and take a deep breath and, as you release it, you return to your body. When you feel ready, open your eyes.
Welcome back:) - adapted from Amy Sophia