Subject: 5 Reasons Why You May Not Be Losing Weight

As a fitness trainer, a question I get a lot Friend, is why have I stopped losing weight. Where did I go wrong?  So I've complied 5 common reasons that may be stopping your scale from showing the numbers going down.

1.  Not enough protein.  Low protein intake may bring your weight loss efforts to a standstill.  Make sure you are eating plenty of protein-rich foods.

2.  Eating too much.  So if your weight loss seems to have come to a standstill, it's possible you're getting too many calories.  People frequently underestimate how many calories they are actually consuming.  Try keeping a food journal for a few days.

3.  Lack of exercise.  Make sure that you are doing cardio regularly, since it can help you burn fat. 

4.  Sugary beverages.  Avoiding all sugary beverages is a great thing to do.  They often make up a significant portion of people's calorie intake. 

5.  Medical Conditions.  Sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, and PCOS may be hindering your efforts. 

Try different strategies ranging from mindful eating, to keeping a food diary, eating more protein to doing strength exercise.  Always do your own homework and with common sense you should be able to figure out what will be the best for you.

And in the end, remember that changing your weight and lifestyle require dedication, self-discipling, persistence and resilience.

Committed to your success,

Coach Eddie Akan

Premier Boxing for Fitness, 510 Wisconsin St., South Houston, Texas 77587, United States of America
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