Subject: Your Revive Knysna mail is here!

Dismayed by the large number of unsightly dump sites 
encountered during their rides around the Concordia Contours, several local MTB enthusiasts joined forces to tackle the problem head on.

Back in January this year, 25 five members from the Snakes, Bobs & Rebel Alliance cycling groups decided to use WhatsApp to identify the illegal dumps & organise working parties to collect & bag-up the discarded household waste & building rubble. 

Along with Joan Louwrens & Brian Gibson, Tom Sluijter was one of the instigators of the project.
Tom said:

“The Concordia trails that begin at the top of the Simola road are not only very popular with local riders but also with tourists. The area was starting to look terrible & we felt we had to do something about it.”

Around 40 dump sites were identified, photographed & GPS co-ordinates provided. As a result, between three & 10 people attended 2-hour clean-up sessions around four times a week, making some unusual & sometimes horrifying discoveries in the process, including a dressmaker’s dummy, a bath tub & a dead dog!

On hearing of the initiative, forestry & ecotourism company MTO (Mountain to Ocean) who own a lot of land in the area, offered to collect the bulging bags from the roadside & dispose of their contents responsibly.

“This has led to an on-going project whereby our group can now report dumping sites directly to MTO who then quickly undertake the clean-up & disposal”, Tom explained.

It just goes to show how a small community group & local industry can co-operate so effectively to improve our precious natural surroundings.

New developments for local gem

With some funding and many plans for projects in place, Pledge Nature Reserve is looking forward to several upgrades and enhancements in the future. Nanna Joubert (above), who is a trustee and Chair of its management committee, told Groundwork that a new entrance will be built on Fitchat Street, funded by the household goods company SC Johnson. This will include a manned gate with a permanent nursery specialising in local indigenous species and where residents can purchase plants to assist with the re-wilding of their properties. This project will start in tandem with the new Milkwood Square development and should hopefully be completed by the end of the year. Meanwhile there will be monthly plant sales starting on Sunday 28th April from 9am-1pm.

A staunch supporter of the reserve, the Rotary Club of Knysna has, as a celebration of their 60th anniversary in 2023, funded the planting and signage of an Arboretum featuring 60 species of locally indigenous trees. Additionally, Rotary has raised funds for a children's play area which is currently being developed. Through its Environmental Committee's innovative E-waste collection drive, funds have also been raised to develop a new website for the Reserve which will offer online purchasing of entry permits. This will be launched at the end of this month, as well as the installation of an Eco-friendly Dry-composting toilet for visitors.

WESSA has contributed to the development of an Educational progamme, as a facilitator is available from time to time. Many of Knysna's schools show much interest and support and look forward to obtaining funds towards regular presentation programmes in the future.

A grant from the Rowland and Leta Hill Trust has allowed the reserve to recently purchase a nifty little chipper - invaluable for keeping excess plant material manageable and in situ.

Nanna, who is a consultant horticulturist specialising in rehabilitation projects, explained that there is an ongoing programme of clearing alien and non-local indigenous invasive species in the reserve and also the general maintenance of the 10 ha reserve with its 5 km of walkways, bridges, and benches. With only two permanent staff and a few volunteers, managing these tasks is a challenge. "More resources are needed especially now that our grant-in-aid from the Municipality has been drastically reduced", Nanna said.

Pledge Nature Reserve is a biodiverse haven of peace and tranquillity just meters from the busy town center. It boasts over 380 plant species, and 101 bird species have been observed. Events such as guided bird, tree, or plant walks, full-moon walks, botanical drawing, and land art sessions are offered periodically and can also be prearranged for special interest groups.

If you haven’t been recently, or have never been, why not put it on your ‘to do’ list? It’s open from 7am-6pm daily & entry is remarkable value at just R20 for adult & R10 for children. Full details can be obtained from the reserve’s Facebook page or website:

If you would like to make a donation or help in any other way, Nanna can be contacted at

Prim & Proper

Renovating an old property is not for the faint-hearted. So Michelle & Leon Scheepers deserve a special mention for transforming Primrose Cottage in Upper Town. The dwelling dates back to 1866 & was given a new lease of life in August 2023 when Michelle & her husband purchased the property & embarked on an extensive repair & decoration project. 

Enhancing external appearance was all part of the plan & the tangled, overgrown bushes have been cleared & replanted. This, together with new paving, is restoring the cottage to its former glory & is a shining example of Revive Knysna’s Pavement Proud initiative.

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