Subject: Your Revive Knysna mail is here! 💌

Open to read issue #3 of Groundwork.

Revive Knysna working to inspire, empower & inform you.

👋 Hi there!

This is issue #3 of Groundwork, where we share with you 3 things you should know about Knysna in 5 minutes or less.

Happy 2nd birthday Revive Knysna!

Learn about our latest projects.

Celebrating our 2nd birthday in July, Revive Knysna is honored to spotlight our recently completed project at Thando House.

This haven for vulnerable & abandoned infants aims to provide a loving & nurturing environment until their adoption into 'forever' families.

They have also just received their first baby boy. They need help with:

  • Nido Milk Powder (1 - 3 years).

  • Size 4 baby shoes.

  • 12-18 months boys clothing.

  • Baby meals.

If you're in a position to help, please Whatsapp 082 072 9538

Revive Knysna's contribution?

We've proudly transformed the front & rear gardens of this place of safety into a beautiful, inviting space where the babies can experience their first sights & sounds of nature.

This garden is a testament to our community's generosity, with many local residents donating plants to bring our vision to life.

Thando House's mission goes beyond immediate care - they focus on the holistic healing & growth of each infant. Through our collaboration, we've added another facet to this mission: creating a tranquil outdoor area that nurtures their cognitive & emotional development.

As we celebrate our 2nd year of community contribution, we kindly ask for your continued support. Your donations help us keep going.

Let's talk waste Knysna

Become an active citizen.

Understanding & implementing proper waste management is an investment in our town's health, prosperity, & future. Yet, we face several challenges in Knysna:

I'm here to provide answers & clarity on the way forward - so that you can help our town not only become better waste managers but lead the way because waste is all of our problems.

📢 How to report illegal dumping? 

If the person is dumping while reporting, please call law enforcement on 044 302 6551 (during office hours). If the dumping has already taken place, contact your ward councillor for them to take action.

If after hours, contact the Fire Department on 044 302 8911.

Pro tip: If you can take pictures & get the registration number of the offender, it will make it easier to find the alleged transgressor.

And always get a reference number when speaking to the fire department, municipality, & law enforcement.

What to do if no action has been taken?

Submit your complaint, including the reference number, to the Municipal Manager copy his PA in the mail, & your ward Councillor.

What can I do as a resident to help with waste management?

Recycling is a genuinely beneficial practice, & although it isn't the whole solution, it's something each of us can do to help play a part.


As a community, we must get into the habit of reducing the amount of waste generated and reusing materials whenever possible.

If you usually throw your food waste into the bin, consider redirecting those hazardous gases from our atmosphere by adding your organic waste to a compost pile, helping to create nutrient-rich soil that boosts plant growth and nurtures our local ecosystem, all while reducing harmful emissions.💚

Not sure how to compost? Watch this video. It's easy, it's free, and it helps us become better stewards of our environment.

♻️ Who are our approved recyclers in Knysna?

DM Recycling, you can reach them by calling Stephanie on 0721022354.

How to register to recycle, & what's the process?

It is completely FREE to recycle in Knysna. You can call Stephanie to ask her to deliver recycling bags to you.

Alternatively, you can visit them at T21 Hadeda Street, Knysna Industrial (next to Star Panel Beaters) Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm, to collect bags.

Sometimes, the municipality falls behind in replenishing bags in time. Therefore if this is the challenge you face - you can purchase clear bags from any store to use. (They must be clear).

When recycling:

  1. Remember that foam & silver-lined milk cartons are not recyclable.

  2. Remember to rinse the items you want to recycle, as non-rinsed items cause rat infestations.

  3. Remember to put your recycling in a clear bag & place it next to your black bin & NOT inside of it.

Not sure what you can and can't recycle? Click here for a super easy breakdown.

Need to know what day to put your recycling waste out? Click here to see their pick-up schedule.

📸 How to dispose of e-waste? 

The Rotary Environmental Committee actively participates in e-waste collections.


The next collection is Saturday, 2nd September, 8:30 am-12 pm at Loerie Park.

A trusted recycling firm handles the waste. They sponsor the service without profiting & they have verified the firm's responsible practices. 👏

This service is FREE to residents. The Rotary Environmental Committee.

When dropping off your e-waste, you may be asked for a donation. All donations are handed over to our incredible Pledge Nature Reserve, and they are entirely optional.

🐛 How to dispose of organic waste? 

Despite 68% of organic waste ending up in landfills, according to the Annual State of Waste Management Report, Knysna lacks a composting facility.

It's time we lobby our municipality to establish such a facility, turning our waste into beneficial compost for town pathways, gardens, & across the Garden Route community.

Who is in charge of waste management in Knysna?

Mr. Randall Bower is our waste manager. Telephone: 044 302 6282, Email:

Use the contact info above to make your voice heard & help us innovate our town & build a fruitful future for all who call Knysna home.

Addressing the Burning Issues

Meet our local changemakers & join causes that align with you.

Anyone living in Knysna on June 7th, 2017, will understand the horrifying consequences of wildfires. They are not only a threat to human life & animals but also devastate natural habitats & destroy homes, businesses & livelihoods.  

Leading the way in helping to minimise the risk of similar disasters in the future is the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association.

Formed as an NPC (Non-Profit Company) in 2007, the SCPFA operates in an area covering almost 7 million hectares of land in the Garden Route, Central Karoo & parts of the Eastern Cape.

Through its integrated fire management plan, the SCFPA undertakes physical interventions such as:

  • The clearing of alien vegetation & brush cutting.

  • Creating firebreaks & prescribed burning operations. These include fuel load/risk reduction burns & ecological burns.

  • Importantly, it also actively encourages local landowners & communities to mitigate fire risk in their immediate surroundings.


One of the two Regional Managers overseeing a team of four permanent staff & six teams from a partner organisation, Working on Fire from its offices in Main Street, Knysna, is the Eastern Region Manager Dirk Smit.

A Capetonian with 14 years of experience in the military before joining the organisation, he is passionate about advising, educating & training local people through FMUs (Fire Management Units).

These are groups of residents & landowners who undertake fire risk monitoring, alerting neighbours of fire outbreaks & devising emergency escape plans.

They also act as ‘first responders’ by helping extinguish or limit the spread of fires.


“We have 80 FMUs within the SCPFA’s domain”, Dirk explained. “We empower our members/volunteers by providing the tools they need to mitigate the risk veld fires pose to them.

These include creating ‘defendable zones’, firebreaks, early smoke detection & reporting, plus training in the use of basic wildland fire fighting equipment such as fire-beaters, rake-hoes, knapsacks, ‘bakkie sakkies’ & hoses.”


Free training is provided to SCFPA members & their staff: “We train around 600 people annually through the FMUs. In fact, we now have one of the most experienced teams of fire protection personnel in the Western Cape”, Dirk added.

“They are able to provide advice on wildfire prevention & protection measures that can be implemented in order to reduce the risk & negative impact of wildfires.”


Dirk & his team also undertake frequent site visits to landowners & residential estates to carry out risk assessments & advise on fire protection measures.

They also offer a wide range of free information to local residents – including advice on protecting your home & firescaping your garden - which is readily available on request by email.

How can you help? 


As with most NPCs, resources are limited & the SCFPA always welcomes donations or monthly contributions.

They would also be pleased to hear from any local service provider who could assist with the service /repair of firefighting vehicles (at cost) & anyone willing to help maintain their website, Facebook & other media platforms.


If you can help with any of the above or would like to find out about forming an FMU in your area, please pop them an email by clicking here or call 044 302 6912 or visit their website by clicking here.

Do you know a local change-maker that deserves a shout-out? Nominate them by clicking here & you may see their story in an upcoming newsletter.

That's it! We can't wait to hear what you think. What was your favourite? What do you want more or less of? Just reply to this email.

Also, if you have anything interesting to share, we would love to know about it.

You can look forward to receiving the next issue on the 31st of August 2023.

Have a great week 🌞

The Revive Knysna Team

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Thank you for joining our community of empowered, inspired & informed citizens.

Whether you donate to our cause, read our informative newsletter or support us on social media. Every action helps us push the wheel forward. 💚

Learn more about us here

This newsletter is lovingly curated by volunteers of Revive Knysna, without whom this would not be possible.