Subject: Revive Knysna: Meet Knysna's Red Brigade!

As part of the wider Safer Spaces project, Revive Knysna has provided the town’s official parking attendants with colourful new bibs.

Several of the 50-strong team of Red Bib parking attendants formally received their new ‘uniforms’ at a gathering at the Knysna Log Inn on 4th September from facilitator Cheryl Britz of the Community Police Forum assisted by Ricardo Kamfer of Law Enforcement & members of the Revive Knysna team.

Bright red & easily recognisable, each bib bears the attendant’s name & the distinctive Safer Spaces logo so members of the public can be assured that they are officially registered with Municipal Law Enforcement after having been screened by the SAPS.

Cheryl stressed the important role these men & women play in creating a friendly, safe environment for residents & visitors alike. She also reminded them that they should do their utmost to be on duty from 9am-4pm each day & not to solicit tips from motorists.

As there is free street parking throughout Knysna, it’s important to note that only those wearing the new bibs are approved & permitted to accept tips & that residents should not patronise unauthorised illegal car guards. In addition to assisting with parking & vehicle guarding, official attendants play a key role in community safety by acting as eyes & ears for law enforcement agencies.

Revive Knysna’s co-founder Gail Sofianos added: 

“The parking attendants programme is viewed as a job creation scheme. If the public support them & not the illegal car guards, we are able to empower & uplift these dedicated individuals.”

We’re delighted to announce...

...that Revive Knysna has been voted Best Community Organisation in the newly-launched Best of Knysna & Plett Awards organised by the KnysnaPlett Herald.

Having recently celebrated our third anniversary we’re a relatively new organisation, so the award feels extra-special.


On the verge of success

Being an estate agent with Hamilton’s Property Portfolio, Simon Harris has more opportunities than most to observe how unkempt some of the traffic islands & verges in our residential areas are becoming. Inspired by Revive Knysna’s numerous projects in around town, Simon decided to do something about it:

“I began to notice the amount of litter piling up on the side of the roads & how overgrown many of the verges were becoming. So, with the help of Penny Rice of #Keep Knysna Clean, I decided to contact as many people as possible to see if we could get a working group together to help improve the appearance of my local area of Hunters Home.”

Simon Harris of Hamiltons

That was how Revive Hunters North was born - just three months ago. Since then, volunteers have come together twice a month on Saturdays to clear weeds & rubbish & smarten up the kerbs, junctions & traffic circles with rocks & water-wise plants.

“We’ve had great support from residents & businesses alike”, says Simon. “For example, Bluewater Construction and Francois Prinsloo sponsored our latest project of repainting the verges & Tony at Dulux assisted them by donating the red paint. Previously, Penhill Nursery kindly donated some plants for the traffic island and Fiona Simpson got involved in landscaping it.”

In addition to upgrading the roadsides, RHN plans to explore other ways to beautify their suburb, keep their streets clean and create a suburb that residents can be proud of.

Although still in its infancy, Revive Hunters North is a shining example of how, thanks to a caring & energetic local resident, a micro project can make a macro difference to the feel & appearance of a single suburb.

If you would like to take part in the fortnightly cleanups, make a financial donation or maybe volunteer your gardener for a few hours, Simon would love to hear from you.
He can be contacted at:

Is the coast clear?

It certainly will be if you join us for International Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday 21st September. 

The beautiful beaches in & around Knysna deserve a Spring clean & you can play your part by dedicating an hour of your time, between 7am & 3pm, to help keep our coastline in pristine condition. Not only will you be making a positive impact on our precious environment but also enjoy some stunning views & get to meet some wonderful, like-minded people.

Want to volunteer?
Then please email:

Play around with us!

The ever-popular Revive Knysna Golf Day will be held at Knysna Golf Club on Sunday 17th November from 11.30am. There’ll be great prizes to win & good fun to be had. The format will be a four-ball alliance & the R480pp entrance fee will include halfway & after-golf snacks. So round up your golfing chums to support this worthy cause. 

To book your place, please call the Knysna Golf Club green fee office on 044 384 1150.

It’s E-waste day again

Rotary Club of Knysna is holding another E-waste recycling morning in the parking lot at Loerie Park in George Rex Drive from 8.30am-12.00 this Saturday (7thSeptember).You’ll be able to drop off a wide range of unwanted items from computer equipment & cellphones to fridges & tumble dryers.

There’s no charge for this service, but the Rotary Club would welcome donations that will go directly to Pledge Nature Reserve.

Want to know more? Then please contact Margi McAlpine on 082 563 7422 or email:

Do you know of a LOCAL HERO who is assisting to Beautify Knysna One Project at a Time? Tell us about them by clicking the NOMINATE button below

Thank you for joining our community of empowered, inspired & informed citizens.

Whether you donate to our cause, read our informative newsletter or support us on social media. Every action helps us push the wheel forward. 💚_