Subject: Groundwork: Your Revive Knysna mail is here!

Open to read issue #2 💌

Revive Knysna working to inspire, empower and inform you.

👋 Hi there!

This is issue #2 of Groundwork, where we share with you 3 things you should know about Knysna in 5 minutes or less.

How to report failed street lights + some thoughts

This section is all about empowering you with tools and processes to become an active citizen.

There's something about a well-lit Knysna street at night that feels like a warm embrace. It's the glow that guides us home, keeps our paths safe, and wraps our little town in an aura of security.

So, when one goes dim, it's up to us residents to ensure they're back up and twinkling. Not only does it maintain the charm, but it also assures our safety.

Spot a street light that's dimmed? Here's the exact process you need to follow.

  • Service Requests are to be submitted directly to the electrical department at 044 302 6397 or 6399 or emailed to Remember to get a reference number.

  • The current Service Standard is 7 days from the day of report.

  • Should the complaint not be completed within 7 days, it should be escalated to Mr. Pravir Hariparsad, the Director of Infrastructure Services, at

  • The manager responsible for electricity is Tholi Biyela, / tel 044 302 6409.

Lastly, did you know that The Garden Route is the smallest yet most diverse biodiversity hotspot in the world? With that in mind, we need to ensure any outdoor lighting we have within our own properties and in public areas is considerate to our nocturnal wildlife.

What to use when installing outdoor lighting?

  • Use long wavelength (greater than 560 nm) light sources such as amber, orange, and red LEDs.

  • Keep it SHIELDED - this means the light shouldn't be directly visible. Sharp, unshielded light harms nocturnal wildlife.

Let's keep our Knysna, this gem of a town, glowing together.

Reviving the heartbeat of Knysna

This section is all about informing you of what we at Revive Knysna are up to and how you can help.

Knysna’s charm lies in its vibrant community, its stunning environment, and our shared commitment to betterment.

Today, we at Revive Knysna invite you to join a collective call to action for a matter close to our hearts - transforming the Waste by Rail site.

Once a vital part of our community, Waste by Rail has fallen into disarray.

We view this not as a failure but as an opportunity. An opportunity to transform, rebuild and breathe new life into this space.

And we need your help to make it happen.

Firstly, we must address the need for a homeless shelter in Knysna. The individuals residing at the site deserve better, safer conditions. Let's push together for a shelter, be it government or privately funded.

Secondly, let's act on moving the Waste by Rail site from the centre of town. The Revive Knysna team has cleaned up the railway tracks and initiated the dialogue, but we need our voices to be louder.

Lastly, let's reimagine the area as a vibrant, beneficial part of our community. A space that doesn't compromise our precious estuary or the health and safety of our people.

The power of change is in your hands.

If you're ready to join us and amplify our voice, then send a mail to the two most important people that can help us drive positive action forward.

  1. Ward 10 Councillor, Peter Bester. Send him a mail by clicking here.

  2. Director of Community Services, Dr.Sandile Ngqele. CC him in the mail: 

By sending a message, you're adding strength to our collective voice and asserting the need for attention on this matter.

We're working to ensure our future is as bright as the community we serve, but we can only go as far as our community stands with us.

Together, we can reshape the heartbeat of Knysna. If you share this vision, don't wait - send an email.

Green Hearted provides food for thought

This section is all about our local change makers with the aim of inspiring you to get involved.

The Covid 19 pandemic caused hardship for millions of people around the globe – particularly in townships and informal settlements in South Africa.

But, for one Sedgefield resident, it provided the inspiration for an exciting new venture.

Kate Curtis, a freelance facilitator of permaculture and ecovillage design, recognised the need to help local communities with much-needed sources of fresh produce during lockdown: "Having recently returned to SA after living, working, and volunteering overseas for many years I decided to start the project that I had envisioned for many years. The pandemic acted as the perfect springboard", she said.

In 2021, Kate set up an NPO that now supports and empowers local communities to create vegetable gardens as 'food hubs' for the needy.

Two years on, Green Hearted is supporting a dozen projects in greater Knysna including rural areas such as Karatara and Barrington & townships like Nekkies & Concordia.

One such project is located next to the Sedgefield Primary School in Smutsville where Kate works with Fregen Galant, a local Informal Settlement Member & 'champion' of the garden.

Together they organised the clearing of the plot, erected fencing, provided irrigation, compost, seedlings, and a worm farm, and arranged a community planting day to kickstart the garden.

The result is a vibrant, organic garden that not only provides fresh, nutritious vegetables to soup kitchens, the elderly, early childhood development centres, and the poorest households but also brings community members closer together.

 "Our aim is to connect people to nature while nurturing people-to-people connections too and supporting practical, hands-on community groups", Kate explained. 

In addition to setting up gardens, Green Hearted now offers practical training & facilitates workshops to introduce groups & individuals to organic gardening methods and agroecology.

If you share Kate's passion for creating sustainable vegetable gardens, there are several ways in which you can help.

  • Make a monthly or once-off donation to Green Hearted.

  • Sponsor an individual or group to attend a workshop.

  • Volunteer to help maintain a garden or suggest suitable locations for new community projects.

If this has given you food for thought, you can contact Kate by clicking here to email her.

Do you know of a local change-maker that deserves a shout-out? Nominate them by clicking here and you may see their story in an upcoming newsletter.

That's it! We can't wait to hear what you think. What was your favourite? What do you want more or less of? Just reply to this email.

Also, if you have anything interesting to share, we would love to know about it.

You can look forward to receiving the next issue on the 27th of July 2023.

Have a great week 🌞

The Revive Knysna Team

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Thank you for joining our community of empowered, inspired and informed citizens.

Whether you donate to our cause, read our informative newsletter or support us on social media. Every action helps us push the wheel forward. 💚

Learn more about us here

This newsletter is lovingly curated by volunteers of Revive Knysna, without whom this would not be possible.