Subject: Groundwork: Potholes Vanish, Blooms Sprout, and Heads Go Wild!

Our first Revive Knysna newsletter! 😆

Revive Knysna working to inspire, empower and inform you.

👋 Hi there!

This is issue #1 of Groundwork, where we share with you 3 things you should know about Knysna in 5 minutes or less.

Your Road Repair Toolkit

Believe it or not, your voice truly matters, especially when it comes to maintaining our beautiful Knysna!

To prove it, here's an example: A pothole spotted, our message to report the pothole to the municipality, and voila, a fixed road in just one week! đŸ†

By quickly reporting road damage to

👏 We help allocate resources effectively.

🎉 Manage our infrastructure.

đŸ„ł Strengthen our community's bond with local authorities.

Make sure to include the location of the pothole, a photo (if possible) and your contact info.

Don't forget to CC your ward councillor. (Unsure of who that is? Click here).

You'll receive a reference number in response. Keep it safe, it's crucial if further action is needed.

Make things easier by saving this info on your phone right now.

We can only keep our roads safe and sound when we work together.

Waterfront Drive Blooms: Community Pride Revived!

We're thrilled to showcase the vibrant transformation of Waterfront Drive, thanks to the tireless work of our Revive Knysna team and the wonderful businesses that stepped up to become Pavement Proud.

As you travel along the second most busy thoroughfare in Knysna, you'll notice it's beaming with colour and life, a testament to our collective mission of revitalisation.

Studies show how greening urban spaces can help reduce violent crime and positively affects mental health.* (Urban greening can reduce violent crime, Dr Frances E. Kuo in 2010)

The greening of Waterfront Drive embodies this spirit and works towards creating a safer, healthier Knysna.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the local businesses that have shown incredible support for our cause - see the diagram below for a visual representation.

Your commitment to beautifying our town not only enhances our streets but also invites intentional investment, provides good jobs and draws conscious tourists in.

Next time you visit a Pavement Proud business on Waterfront Drive, take a moment to thank the cashier or business owner for their efforts in making our town more vibrant and beautiful.

And encourage your favourite places to join us in becoming Pavement Proud.

Together, we can make Knysna a beacon of community pride and resilience.

Want to download this image? Click here to save it to your device.

Residents Go Wild At The Heads

 In addition to representing residents & businesses over issues of security, fire protection & communication with the municipality, the Knysna Heads Association is now playing an increasingly active role in improving the natural environment of this iconic beauty spot.


A voluntary organisation, funded exclusively through subscriptions from its 135 members & once-off donations, it has now included a re-wilding initiative as part of its remit.


Headed by Sylvia Esch & Francein Strydom, its current project focuses on removing grass & alien vegetation at the centre of The Heads ‘top viewpoint’ car park & replacing it with indigenous species.


“There has always been a need to re-wild the Eastern Heads to showcase it as a part of the larger nature reserve in which we all live”, said Francein. “Water restrictions in recent years have emphasised the need to introduce indigenous plants specific to the area that have a greater chance of surviving & thriving in all weather conditions”, she added.


The newly-planted areas are not just more aesthetically pleasing but also attract a greater variety of birds, butterflies & other insect life.


A couple of residents’ own gardeners have been involved in the clearing & re-wilding project, while the car guards also lend a hand with the watering-in of new plants & trees. The municipality has also lent its support by collecting any non-recyclable waste from the site.


Like many successful initiatives, the project has taken inspiration from local people who are, like Sylvia & Francein, acutely aware of their surroundings & have taken it upon themselves to re-wild their own gardens.


Sylvia is keen to further promote the benefits of removing alien vegetation: “We intend organising a workshop for residents’ gardeners so that they can identify invasive species on residents’ properties. They will also learn more about the most suitable indigenous plants & trees for their particular location”, she explained.


The next project on the agenda is to clean, clear & re-wild the grass area surrounding the car park by the circle at the bottom of The Heads & then (funds permitting) begin eradicating alien species.


If you would like to get involved or make a donation to this critical re-wilding initiative, please contact Francein direct on 071 271 1748.

Do you know a change-maker in our town that needs their voice amplified?

Nominate them by clicking here and they may be featured in this newsletter.

That's it! We can't wait to hear what you think. What was your favourite? What do you want more or less of? Just reply to this email.

Also, if you have anything interesting to share, we would love to know about it.

You can look forward to receiving the next issue on the 29th of June 2023.

Have a great week 🌞

The Revive Knysna Team

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Thank you for joining our community of empowered, inspired and informed citizens.

Whether you donate to our cause, read our informative newsletter or support us on social media. Every action helps us push the wheel forward. 💚

Learn more about us here

This newsletter is lovingly curated by volunteers of Revive Knysna, without whom this would not be possible.