Here's your message today: We can share encouragement. We can share solidarity, and in these things find a healthy, meaningful life."
Dear Friend
Here's a quick update of something I wrote about my own life's realizations that I truly hope resonates with you in a positive and helpful way today. Have a beautiful day and weekend. It's nice and cool here in Los Angeles. Yay! :) Okay, here it is. If you like this hit reply to this email and let me know. Thank you!
Be a tuning fork vibrating at the highest frequency you will draw like-minded and similar vibrating people to you and repel others away who are not meant to be with you.
Generate happiness, appreciation, joy, and creativity, and be the presence you seek it is seeking you! Allow it in!
Appreciate Compliment Thank everyone and everything
Be present Compassionate Unattached Non-judgmental Flowing Playful Loving Forgiving of self
Call on your Spirit Guides Guardian Angels Loving Ancestors Higher power Source Energy God Gaia Goddess Oneness Infinite Potentiality Field To guide you Back to love To open yourself as a channel of love and kindness to flow through you to you and around you!
Then take a step create something give something share something In-Joy something Rest and witness it all
Love, Joe Segal
#Energy #Vibration #Happiness #Appreciation #Gratitude |