Subject: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2024!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2024 from the Kindness Brothers

Merry Christmas &
Happy New Year 2024!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2024
from Leonard and Joseph Segal aka,
the Kindness Brothers!

🍃 Merry Christmas! 😍
This Christmas Holiday may kindness and love shine a light so bright the world will only know peace.

We created this happiness and kindness newsletter because like you we believe our world needs kindness more than ever before!


My brother Leonard and I may have had the great pleasure and honor of meeting you in person this year and sharing one of our Kindness Thank you Cards (seen below) with you.

That moment we shared was precious to us. We could see for a moment or two we all recognized that life could be so much better if people stopped and shared a bit of human kindness together. You mean a lot to us! Thank you!

And if you did not receive one in person this year from us allow us to share this one with you now.

Thank you! You are awesome!

A Beautiful Person
So Kind and Thoughtful
And you make the world a better place!

Happy Holidays! We are very appreciative of your being here to enjoy our Kindness Newsletter and we hope you find them to be uplifting and informative. Please hit reply and let us know if you're enjoying these kindness newsletters each morning and how we can improve them for you. Have a very Happy New Year! Leonard and Joseph Segal


Remember to be kind and loving to yourself and others.
The world needs you more than ever before!

Leonard and Joseph Segal
The Kindness Brothers