Subject: The Lakeview Insider: Sweep the Border Collie

A whimsical devotion, a recap of this year's registration, and a summer report from 1965

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

–Ephesians 2:10

Sweep the Border Collie

My sister has a border collie named Sweep who was born to herd sheep. He comes from a very prestigious family of sheep herders who have won multiple awards and competitions over the year. You can see it in Sweep's make up. He's fast - so fast! - and strong, and super driven. He watches any form of movement around him intently, and is incredibly responsive to your own body movement and directions. I love to "dance" with him - running and jumping around, sweeping my arms in different directions and watching as he responds and runs and moves around me as a result.

But Sweep has never seen a single sheep in his life.

He's seen Bob the llama at camp and was very intrigued. We were still a quarter mile away and as soon as he noticed the animal in the field moving, he lay flat on the ground (a classic border collie move to put pressure on the moving animal), head pointed straight at Bob.

Then crept forward veeeeery slowly.

Bob was very intrigued as well. Once we got close enough, he came charging over to the fence line. Sweep started barking. Bob did not back down. So rest assured, the safety of Houston the mini pony is in good hands with Bob.

But Sweep has never seen a sheep.

This is a fact that occasionally makes my family sad. We talk about what it would be like to bring Sweep to a farm. To introduce him to sheep. And to let him off his leash and watch him run - fly! - at top speed to chase distant sheep in from the field.

It would be glorious. And beautiful. Because that is what Sweep was made to do.

Our lives are like Sweep. We were born for a specific purpose. We were made to live for and worship and follow God. And when we do - oh how beautiful and glorious it is!

A life spent following the call of Christ is a life that is NEVER wasted.

So let this be an encouragement for you today in your life. Continue on. Continue following Jesus. Follow him into uncomfortable situations, into moments of sacrifice, into scary places, into obscurity, into weakness. Follow him knowing this is what you were made for, and goodness and glory for the Kingdom will flow from a life spent following his call.

Follow him as intently as Sweep follows all moving creatures.

Follow him to the end.

And trust that in those moments where your instincts betray you, where the old sinner breaks through, that you have a patient father who is creating you anew through the grace and mercy of his son Jesus and the working of his Spirit in your life and soul, and he will not rest until you have become who you were meant to be.

Who he MADE you to be.

Run on!

Ellie "Frisbee" Lutz

Senior Program Director

  • Is Sweep's #1 buddy

  • Has been loving this winter weather

  • Enjoys the song "I Just Wanna Be A Sheep"

Registration Recap

Registration for Summer 2025 is off to the races. Here are some stats for how registration is going so far in this, our 60th year of camp!

  • 1338: Campers who took advantage of Pre-Registration to sign up early.

  • 2008: Total number of campers who have signed up so far. (This is ahead of where we were at this point last year.)

  • 59%: Percentage of families who chose Tier A or B for their registration cost, helping to support families who need a lower registration cost. This is a HUGE help! Thank you!

  • 45: Camp scholarship applications so far. If you know someone who needs a camp scholarship, the application deadline is March 10. Apply at

  • 8: Sessions completely full for the summer, out of 46. That means 38 sessions still have openings (although many are very close to being full). You can see the specific sessions that still have openings at

We need your help to finish 6th Village Cluster

Did you hear the news? Our 6th Village Cluster will be called Alpine Village!

With the longer stretch of cold and snowy weather we have experienced this winter, our progress on this cluster has been slower than expected. We could greatly use volunteers in March and April to help ensure this cluster is completed in time for the summer season.

We are seeking volunteers to come out for a day, weekend, or week to help us complete the village. Projects that we will be working on include:

  • Putting up insulation and siding

  • Staining wood

  • Electrical work

  • Framing

  • Putting on tin sheet roofing

  • Assembling bunk beds

  • And a wide variety of other projects as we finish construction

If you are interested, use the button below to send us your name, date(s) when you would be interested in volunteering, and any relevant skills/experience that might be useful to know about.

Consider putting together a group from your church to come out as well.

Help us complete the 6th Village Cluster, and leave your mark on camp for future generations!


Thank you for helping us find Junior Staff!

We wound up with over 140 Junior Staff applications this year, which is our highest number ever! THANK YOU so much for your help sharing about the Junior Staff program with high school students. This is the future of the church, and we can't wait to watch them grow.

We also made our initial selections for our summer staff team this past week, but still have a few roles we need to fill, including:

  • Male Counselor (Both Sides)

  • Female Counselor (Camp Lakeview)

  • Kitchen Assistant (Both Sides)

  • Adventure Specialist (Lakeview Villages)
    The main responsibilities for this role include leading group building with campers along with some life-guarding. Training is provided for both these skills as needed.


The More Things Change...

Throughout our 60th anniversary year we will be sharing different cool finds from the historical archives of camp. Enjoy this blog post put together by Maredeth "Shazam" Sims, a Lakeview alumni and one of our 60th anniversary committee memories, as she shares her thoughts about digging through the archives at camp, including the original progress report created after the very first summer at camp!

“In the original documents made to pitch the idea of a camp to local churches the guiding principles we would all come to know and love were obvious and present..."

We love to talk! Reply to this email and share your thoughts.

You are loved in Christ.

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