Subject: The French Club Party is next week, Friend!

Dear Friend,

As celebrations loom for our end of term-in-club party on the 13th July, coinciding with the Tour de France competition, I just wanted to update you on what's happening that week, so you can prepare and not have to worry about buying a costume unnecessarily.

Q.What is the end of term party?
A.It's a celebration of the hard work they have done and an opportunity for them to play games and look back on what they have learned and earn treats.

Q.Who is there?
A.Just the children who usually attend the class?

Q.What is the dress code?
A.Children are free to wear a costume of any sort or sporting gear. It can be a fancy dress that pulls on over the school uniform or a change of clothes. Keeping with the Tour de France theme, shorts and t-shirt is a low-cost, low hassle alternative. We will make props anyway, so do not feel pressured into a special costume.

Q.When and where do the children change into their costumes?
A.Children should come to French club and leave all their belongings there. They can then, take it in turns to get changed in the room (boys and girls separately), or pop to the toilets and change there. It's their or your preference.

Q.What do the children do in the party?
A.Well, it's quite like a normal session, in that they will be required to take part in French speaking activities, but these will be less writing-based and more interactive. However, in the trade off for more fun activities, the children will test and encourage each other to get certain challenges signed off in return for certificates and prizes.

For example, one year for Halloween, the children played a balloon game helping them to practise colours and adjectival positioning, where each time they pinged the balloon, they called out the phrase, they then then hid and hunted for creepy objects, calling out their names, colours or descriptions in order to get the point. The party games gave the children the confidence to forget any shyness and get talking in French.

This term, we will be doing activities relating to transports, French towns and foods, culminating with a Tour de France style prize/treat presentation at the end of the club.

It's going to be great fun!

If you have any questions, do let me know.

Kind regards,

Natasha Morgan
Morgan Language Solutions
Text: 078 1234 2598
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