Subject: Book now, Friend, for Thursday's Van Hage French Class

Dear Friend,

I hope this email finds you well and that you enjoyed the Easter holiday?

Our next club resumes this week so here’s this term’s blurb.

Welcome to our event page for the post-Easter French Club. Some of our
veteran students have moved on and we now have some younger recruits.

Each week, during term time, we meet for French immersion. Children come
and sit with Natasha, the tutor who gets them settled with a quick round of
Comment ça va ? and mini news and views using as much French as the little
ones can manage.

We soon get onto something tangible as the children settle. We've been
recently making a passport to travel round different countries, learning
their names in French, so the children enjoy decorating their passports.

Now, it's time to call "Passeports s'il vous plaît", as we need to move

As explorers, the children move around the room, visiting these countries
in different transports. It's really interactive and

At the moment, due to the ages of the children already in the group, we
would recommend younger children, aged 3 to 6.

Children’s French Club Van Hage Starting 27th April 2017

Time of Day: Afternoon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Start Time: 4:45 pm
Session Duration: 45mins
Venue Name: Van Hage, Eye, Peterborough
Location: Van Hage Coffee Shop, top right.
Term Duration: 5 Weeks
Term Dates: 27th April, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th May
Term Cost: £40 per participant
Ages 3-6 (ish)
Full info here:

Thanks to those who have already been in touch and paid.

If the details provided above suit you, then to guarantee your place,
please make your payment.
We have three ways to pay:

You always see class information and pay here, whether you receive an email
or not.

Or you can send your payment via direct bank transfer: Barclays Bank
Account Holder: Morgan Language Solutions
Account Number: 63983269
Sort Code: 20 67 37

Paypal – visit the class page for this term and pay using the button.
(See above)
If you have any questions, do let me know.

Kind regards,

Natasha Morgan
Morgan Language Solutions
Text: 078 1234 2598
Reception Service: 0345 053 4947