Subject: I absolutely ❤️ teaching languages!

There, I said it. 

You may have not heard much from me in a while Friend,

That’s because I had some time off and had a little girl. Well, she’s not so little now, she’s a wonderful, bouncy and vibrant three! Earlier this year, I became ready to go back into teaching more full-time. I got back into it hugely in February/March. 

It just took off. 

I had to transition from being a full-time mum to teaching 1:1 again, and as we were still on lockdown and Covid cases were so high, I had no childcare at the beginning. 

And boy was it a hard transition. Imagine onboarding so many new clients at once and getting back on the saddle. 

But you see, my love of teaching shone through and saw me through the tough times. 

Well, I’m through the other side now and settled into teaching. 

What have I learned from my old work life?

That I can’t do it all.

I learned that I can’t teach everyone and keep going at 100 miles an hour!

Life is too short and family time, health and happiness is so important. 

So, why am I telling you this. Simple. I’m limiting my 1:1 tutoring sessions to ensure that I never burnout again and can help more people. 

More people like you. 

You wonderful people who pressed subscribe to get more of my lessons. 

I’m grateful for every one of you. 

You gave me more belief than you’ll ever know. 

When I lost my confidence in how to help those when I no longer had any more time free I always remembered you were there and that you had opted in to this mailing list. 

You had a choice and you wanted to improve either your own French, that of your child or your pupils, so you signed up for my Bonjour Mes Amis study pack and newsletters. 

Thank you to those who watched my videos on YouTube and sent me messages and wrote comments. I loved them all! It’s so heartwarming to see how I have become a part of someone’s home routine to listen to the Bonjour Mes Amis before bed or that my songs really help children to learn.

It wasn’t easy to write the songs and not a fast process but I promise to get doing some more soon.

Even if they’re not chart-toppers. It’s important I just get some made and out there so they can do more good. 

I’m stepping up now and clearing the way so I can help more people than ever. I have made changes in life and am making sure I can reach more children and give them the support they need and want in French. 

So from me, a personal thank you. 

Have a brilliant weekend,


Morgan Language Solutions

Natasha Morgan

A bientôt ¡Hasta pronto! Bis bald! A presto! See you soon!

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