Subject: my father's health is failing... fast.

Life Isn't About Planning, it's About Being Able to Adjust to The New Plans it Gives You.

I've been incredibly blessed to have 3 different fathers in my life.

My father.

My step father.

And my father in law.

All have brought amazing things to my life, and each gave me their own unique perspectives that helped shape me in a way that any one of them on their own couldn't have done.

Each has made me a better man in a different way, and I am thankful.

Over the last several months, my step father has rather quickly had his physical health deteriorate. 

Going from spending sun up to sun down moving, working, and taking meticulous care of all that he has gained in a life... to barely being able to get off the couch after a rigorous morning routine in which he can't even dress himself.

It's taken me, my mother, and my entire family by surprise to say the least.  

Today... I was talking with my mom about how they had plans to sell their current home, and get a smaller condo here, but to also rent a small place in Florida for the Winter months.

That was the plan as little as 4 to 6 moths ago.

But what struck me during the conversation...

What made me open the laptop up and type this email to you...

Is that plans don't often matter in life. 

My mother and father had planned every detail.

Had worked incredibly hard for their entire lives.

They budgeted for every cent to be able to finally just enjoy a life of calm, and kids, and grand kids, and accomplishments.

They had it all figured out.

And then life happened. 

As it ALWAYS does.

So what speaks to me so clearly now, as it always has... is that it's not as much about planning as it is about being able to adjust to life.

This is why I am so passionate about giving people like you the ability to provide for yourself in a way that gives you the ability to change your plans... to ADJUST at a moments notice.

Because not only do we change what we want as we grow, and age, and even as our own kids grow and start their own families...

But life's unpredictability always has to be figured in.

I didn't plan to be spending hours each day helping my mother and father with what even 4 months ago were basic life activities... at least not yet.

But, am I sure blessed to have the ability to drop everything I am doing and help them at a moments notice.

I can change my schedule at a moments notice.

I can change my location at a moments notice. 

I can change my day to day activities at a moments notice.

And all will be well for me.

What I am saying is that I have used the skills and the abilities and the knowledge that God has given me to be able to ADJUST.

To adjust and put my energy into the people and the things that need me most. 

Because that is what it is all about.

Sure, I've been able to do amazing things in my life.  


Have endless time with my children.

Be financially free... etc.

But what has always brought the most joy and peace into my life has been what I have been able to GIVE others as a result of that.

I've been able to GIVE to whoever needed it the most in the moment.

Sometimes it's time.

Sometimes it's money.

Sometimes it's my skills or abilities.

Sometimes it's just the ability to be there in a moments notice.

Whatever is needed, by whoever needs it... I have been able to ADJUST to provide it.

This ability to adjust is what more and more represents FREEDOM to me.

I know this has been a lot about me... but I say it all because I want this ability to adjust to be yours as well.

I want whatever FREEDOM means to you in this moment right now to be yours.

If you need time right now.

If you need to be in a different place right now.

If you need money right now.

Whatever you need to be able to help those that you have been placed here to help in THIS moment...

I want you to be able to ADJUST to be able to provide.

I used to think that there was one event, or cause, or person, or even group of people that we were meant to serve, and give to and help.

The more I go through life, the more I am starting to think that we are put here to be able to serve, and help, and give to many different causes and people.

All in different moments.

All of this to say that The 30 Minute Workday is about giving you the FREEDOM to ADJUST and be able to serve whoever and whatever you're meant to serve in any given moment.

It's not just about money.

It's not just about time.

It's not just about location freedom.

It's not just about mental freedom. 

It's about being able to ADJUST to who and what life has placed in front of you right now in THIS moment and give what you are meant to give.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading.

I truly appreciate you.

And you are part of my moment right now as well.

So I will give, and serve and be everything I can for you.

So that someday soon, you can fully experience your own moments as well.

God bless.


P.S. You Can Work Less and LIVE More!  

And remember... Your dream lifestyle is always just 30 minutes away!

Get Ready For Your Next Moment Here

The 30 Minute Workday, 903 S. Latson Road, 48843, Howell, United States
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