Subject: Jobs are for broke people. Agree?

Hey Friend...

I'm not lazy by any stretch of the imagination...

But I hate jobs!

And I think 99% of the job market is really just a system created to keep people broke and in need.

It's a lot easier to manipulate the masses when most are a missed paycheck or two away from broke... and are used to not really having any freedom in their day to day lives.

(See the year 2020 for reference).

Anyway... it's not entirely your fault because we've been taught the same crap about school and college and jobs being the patch to success and freedom and safety since birth.

What's funny though, is that if you study the most successful people on earth today...

The most successful people in ANY generation for the history of time...

Traditional schooling and jobs almost NEVER was behind any of their success.

In fact, in terms of schooling... most highly successful entrepreneurs...

Those with money...

And time...


Almost NONE of them have a history of traditional schooling or job success.

Do the research.

Look up the wealthiest people in each decade for the last 100 years.

You'll be shocked at how none of them got their because they went to school and got a good job.

So, why do we keep doing it?

Honestly... I don't fully know.

I know for me, I've always known that I didn't want a job.

I just was never taught any other way.

So, I went to school.

I went to college.

I started grad school.

Because society.

My family.

And the people who loved me told me that was the path to freedom.

Even though none of them had ever been free a day in their lives.

It wasn't until I made that first dollar on my own that I realized that I could do it.

And from that first dollar, I never looked back.

As soon as I knew there was a way to create my own life... I became "mentally un-empolyable."

A trait all successful people have.

I said all of that to tell you this...

I created The FREEDOMLaunchPad to open your eyes to freedom.

To get you that first, or next dollar online so you KNOW without a doubt that true freedom IS possible.

To make sure that you have a plan that has worked since the beginning of time to create true wealth.

Wealth meaning you have an abundance of time, money, and freedom.

This isn't a "system," or a "strategy" that will be outdated in 90 days or less.

The FREEDOMLaunchPad is the formula for creating predictable, long term wealth...

Based on PRINCIPLES...

That once you have it, will work for the rest of time.

For you.

For your children.

For generations if you want to keep sharing it.

Not school.

Not jobs.

Those have a long history of failure and misery.

Anyway... my rant is over (for now).

But the message is clear.

You can go to school for 20 years (ewww).

You can work a job for 60 years (yuck).

And in the end, you'll be no further ahead.

Most won't tell you that.

Because they are afraid of success and freedom.

You're not.

You crave it.

You dream about it.

You NEED it!

If you need help... please let me know. 

The 30 Minute Workday

Remember... You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More... when you have access to The FREEDOMLaunchPad.

The 30 Minute Workday, 903 S. Latson Road, 48843, Howell, United States
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