Subject: I know about you. You're dangerous

Want The 3 Proven Steps to a Lifetime of Wealth, Time, Location, and Mental Freedom?

From paying attention to and studying successful people of all walks of life over the last 15 years, I have learned that every great accomplishment in life starts with 3 things.

The First...

1. A strong, inner felt pull, desire, or unshakable dream to do something bigger.

You weren’t meant to be born to just exist and die.

You were born with a desire and a dream inside of you. You were born with the future already inside of you.

Even as you read this… you feel it.

God didn’t put anything here without a future already inside of it.

Consider the oak tree. It’s acorns have the seeds of the future inside of it.

Or the grass. It doesn’t have to be recreated over and over again, the future is already in it… and it just continues to grow.

Everything here… humans, animals, plants, etc. already has the future in it.

What makes you different than everything else is that you have a choice as to what to do with the future inside of you.

A honeybee, for example, can’t wake up one morning and decide to make peanut butter.

It’s future is to make honey, and every honeybee born will wake up every day with an intrinsic desire and ability to make honey.

That’s it’s inner calling that it can’t deny.

And so making honey is what it does, and every honeybee in that regard is successful because it does the thing it was created to do.

Humans though, are the only species who can decide to do… or not do what has been placed inside of them.

You are the same as the honeybee in that you are here to serve creation in a very specific way, and that you’ve been given specific gifts, and built in desires in order to achieve it.

But, you’re different in a way that can actually derail your ability to achieve the purpose and calling inside of you… you can choose to deny it.

It doesn’t matter if you believe exactly how I believe or not... you’re here right now because you’re tired of ignoring that inner desire to do something more, something bigger, something great.

You’re tired of ignoring that dream that sits in your heart and just won’t go away.

That dream and desire you were meant to do… every bit as much as the honeybee is meant to make honey.

That dream that is so vivid... you actually see it with your eyes wide open.

I like what T. E. Lawrence said in regards to dreams and who achieves them:

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”

I believe that you are dangerous because you dream with your eyes wide open and have DECIDED to act on your dreams!

But notice the underlined word there… Decided.

Because a lot of people have ”seen” their dreams, but still only 1-4% of the people on the planet are actually living the life that they truly desire.

The fact is, you can see your amazing dream…

You can feel it’s pull…

And still achieve nothing if you continue to live like the average person (the other 96-99%) and never turn your “should do’s” into a MUST.

Because the second thing you need to do in order to be among the dream achievers, is...

Not only will you get the other 2 steps to complete lifestyle freedom...

But you will learn how to create any lifestyle that you desire in as little as 30 minutes per day.

It's not hard.

It's actually a PROVEN and predictable formula that anyone can follow starting in the next 30 minutes or less.

Happy Freedom Friday!


P.S. You Can Work Less and LIVE More!  

And remember... Your dream lifestyle is always just 30 minutes away!

The 30 Minute Workday, 903 S. Latson Road, 48843, Howell, United States
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