Subject: 🔵 Felt kinda cheesy doing this

🔵 Felt kinda cheesy doing this

February 6th, 2023 at 4:11 pm EDT

I was feeling kinda cheesy about it, and then I got 227 PAlD signups and 2,164 leads in 11 hours... Before I lifted a single finger to do anything. Literally. All I did was enter my name and email here. Still just 18 hours in, and I am up to 482 ...

🔵 This is gonna be Epic Friend

February 4th, 2023 at 2:51 pm EDT

I'm tired of other platforms and engines and people deciding for me (and you) what content you get to see. So, I am taking control. I am taking the power back. Anyone else hear the Rage Against The Machine song, Take The Power Back playing in thei ...

🔵 dinosaur tactics = your bank extinction

February 2nd, 2023 at 5:45 pm EDT

I posted this in my new private group today. If you're still doing the dinosaur type of buiIding a business that I mention in the video, you're going to soon find your bank extinct. But, in this video, I also uncover a couple of principles that I ...

[Proven] Big "Buts" decrease WeaIth

February 1st, 2023 at 8:55 am EDT

With a full month of the year already gone, it's time to squash the excuses and start moving towards your dreams. In my experience, this usually starts with being super careful and aware of how many Buts you allow in your life. I invite you to ever ...

🚀 Just launched... You get in free

January 31st, 2023 at 2:48 pm EDT

It's live and you get it for nothin' Friend! Check out the blue icon below and you’ll get access to the FREE group I just created. In the group, I’ll be FREELY sharing every single bit of knowledge, every tool, every resource I have used to liv ...

💥 Horray... You're in (almost)

January 30th, 2023 at 7:09 pm EDT

The new private group where I will be giving away everything I know is officially live! You Can Access it Here. I am super excited about this new group. Everything I know. Private videos and content released nowhere else. Inside personal stuff t ...

🔵 The weird fastest path to weaIth

January 30th, 2023 at 8:45 am EDT

For many early in their journey to create weaIth, or build a new business, or even a new life... (this includes me when I first got started) The wisdom inside of this email seems counterintuitive. “Sometimes you have to slow down in order to spe ...

🔵 my dumb 20 year mistake (how to avoid)

January 27th, 2023 at 4:39 pm EDT

NOTE: There is nothing to buy in this email, but this email could have a miIIion doIIar idea in it. I've made a huge mistake and it's costing me (and you) BIG time. Here's the scoop... EmaiI marketing has allowed me to create 7-FlGS onIine. I'm s ...

🔵 Does serving God matter to you?

January 26th, 2023 at 9:42 am EDT

If serving God matters to you in your pursuit to build a better life for yourself and others... This message may punch you in the heart a little. There's this popular belief that Christians are... Dumb. Broke. And offer little to no help outside ...

🔵 [Hot Pic Inside] Me in slippers

January 25th, 2023 at 2:34 pm EDT

I can't believe you opened that you dirty bird. 😂 But as promised, here's a hot pic of me in my slippers... Get it? Hot... because of the fireplace in the background? I know, lame dad joke, but here's why I send you this email. Well... Oth ...