Subject: why the heck are you here?

The life you were meant to live gives you energy and purpose, but how do you find it?

"Live the life you were created to live.

So you can create the world that everyone desperately needs."

~ Erwin McManus

If that raises a question in you of “what is the life I am supposed to live...”

I think it’s simple...

I believe we only have to ask ourselves two questions:

1: What makes me curious?

What do I study, geek out on, spend free time doing and thinking about that makes my brain feel alive?

2: What type of work do I do that GIVES me energy instead of taking it? 

It’s interesting, because every Monday night after the Mastermind call with my customers and team...

I sleep horribly.


I have insane amounts of energy.

Nothing (outside of fun with my family) gives me that energy.

Not my super energy elixir, not exercise, not prayer, nothing.

And as much as I try to turn the part of my brain off that’s endlessly curious about marketing...

I see the message of marketing in everything.

It’s a curiosity that just naturally drives me.

So, what makes you curious...

And what work gives you energy instead of draining it?

I believe in those two things you’ll find the life you were born to live!

Have an amazing Sunday, and thanks for the energy today!


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!

P.P.S.  My purpose, the thing I was born to do was to help set you free from the life you don't want...

And step into the life that you DO want and were actually meant to live.

If you'd like my step by step plan to do that, and my personal help along the way...


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