Subject: why Friend?

the TRUTH about why I reach out to you every day like this...

Hey Friend...

Why do I contact you every day like this?

Truth is... I don't really have to.

I can just go about my day, knowing that everything is taken care of, and my freedom is intact.

But, I keep trying to reach you because yours is not.

If you're still opening, you don't have the freedom to live those dreams inside of your heart.

You don't have the time to spend with those you love the most.

Or to do the things you love the most...

Or to serve the communities, and causes that speak the loudest to your heart.

YOU aren't free.

And to me... that's a big deal.

Because I think that we can only step into our true purpose when we are free.

When the stresses of time, and finance, and lifestyle freedom are removed.

When we can just wake up excited and do what speaks to our hearts.

And that matters.

Because the thing that speaks to your heart...

That keeps you up...

That you feel like you really MUST do...

I believe that is your purpose.

Your reason for being here.

And if you don't serve that purpose, I don't just believe that it is only you that is impacted.

I believe that all of the people you were meant to serve struggle as well.

Somebody needs you to be free to pursue your dreams.

Maybe dozens...




I don't really know.

I do know that you were meant to do something and you feel it.

You just get weighed down because you don't have the time.

Don't have the finances.

Don't have the resources.

Don't have the FREEDOM to pursue it.

YOU are my calling.

Allowing you to reach YOUR calling...

Your purpose.

Your dreams.

There is something or somebody, or a cause, or a community that needs what you have.

I believe my calling is to free you to know what that is.

You're a dreamer... and I believe it's my job to give you a chance to not just dream the dream...

But to LIVE it.

Because when you do, the world benefits in ways we can't even imagine.

I appreciate the dreamer in you.

And I will keep calling on you, because you deserve to have whatever dream(s) you've been dreaming.

And the people, communities, and causes that will benefit from your FREEDOM deserve it too.

Have an amazing weekend and God bless.


The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!


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