Subject: my heartbreaking confession

My heartbreaking confession about screwing my kids over that you'll want to read...

It's a harsh subject line for an email Friend, and I almost didn't write it.

But it's MY truth, so I wanted you to know it.

One of the things that drives me is setting up my children to know and SEE firsthand that there is a better...

A smarter...

A more fulfilling...

A more purposeful...

A higher called way to build the life they desire.

Truth is... if all my children ever saw from me is that life was this wake...




Waste of time...

I would feel like I royally screwed them over.

What an awful portrait to paint for them of how life is supposed to be.

And the reason I want to LIVE a life in front of them where I am chasing my dreams...

And building my own freedom...

And creating a lifestyle that gives me the time to spend with the people that I love the most...

Serving the causes and communities that I love the most...

Is because if they don't SEE it, chances are they will never live it for themselves.

As a parent, I am fully aware that children don't become the things you tell them to do...

They become the things you SHOW them.

I think it's why God came to us as Jesus.

It's one thing to hear what you should do over and over again...

It's another to actually SEE it in action.

To know that it CAN be done.

If I preached to my children that they can live any life that they desire...

That they could be free.

That they could be wealthy.

That they could have a massive abundance of time to love, and serve, and do, and LIVE...

But what they SAW was me working, eating, sleeping, and being miserable...

The most likely outcome for them would be the same wake, work, eat sleep waste of time.

So a massive part of my own personal why is to SHOW my children what's possible.

To let them SEE it in action.

Because then... it's natural.

It's just how things are.

It becomes real to them before it's even theirs.

Because for me personally...

If all I showed my kids was that you wake up, you work, you eat, and you sleep...

I'd not only be killing my purpose and calling...

I'd be killing theirs too.

And that, to me...

Is absolutely heartbreaking.

So I ask you today...

WHO is it That YOU are Showing The Way to?

Because people ARE paying attention to you.

People that NEED to SEE you be the dreams and the vision that you have in your heart and mind.

It could be your children...

Your family...

Your friends...

People in your community.

You are here to serve some person, or group of people on this earth.

What are you SHOWING them?

How are you setting them up for a better future?

It's an important question to ask yourself this weekend, before you slip back into the "norm."

Because you living in the "norm" is killing somebody else's future.

But you stepping into your dreams and LIVING it...

Is creating a better future for the person, or the people, or the communities, or the causes you were MEANT to serve.

It's a big responsibility.

But it's yours.

And you were born for it.

If I can serve you in any way today to help you step into your dreams...

Into your freedom...

Into your calling...

Please let me know.


The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.P.S.  Here's this weeks recap of all the tools, training, and resources I sent to help you step into your dreams and LIVE them as quickly as possible.


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