Subject: is it weird that I dream about you?

You're in my dreams pretty much daily. Is that weird, you think?

Do you think it's weird that I dream about you on a daily basis?

I don't... and let me explain why.

I dream about you, because you ARE my dream.

Helping to FREE you from the life you just exist in, to live the life that you dream about...

That you are passionate about...

That you feel called to live...

That allows you to be with the people you love the most...

Serving the communities and causes that you love the most...

That is my dream.

So, YOU are in my visions DAILY!

My first goal is just to get you dreaming again of the life that you really want.

Science tells us that if we've spent too much time in lack... we stop dreaming.

We literally can't see past the struggle.

And as Proverbs 29:18 says...

"Without a vision (dream), the people perish."

I've studied where that word "perish" can also mean to "turn back."

I know there have been times where it seemed that my dream was too big, and so I just stopped dreaming and "turned back" to the life I didn't want.

I settled into the job.

I settled into the struggle.

I settled into the lack.

But there was always a little piece of me that kept looking just enough forward to see the opportunities in front of me.

So my call to you today is, even if it's hard and you are in some sort of struggle right now...

Remember YOUR Dream!

Remember what you REALLY want to do with your life.

Remember who you really want to spend the most time with.

Remember the communities and causes that speak loudly to your heart...

That you'd love to serve if you had the time, money and freedom to do so.

And KNOW that it's possible.

And when you're dreaming again...

I want you to see the opportunities in front of you to have all of those things that you REALLY want.

I believe you were created to have all of the things that are speaking to your heart.

Whatever calls to you is your purpose.

So, I am here to number 1 get you to dream again...

And #2...

Show you the opportunities, the tools, the training to be able to start turning your dreams into the reality they were meant to be.

For me... what's here was the fastest way to my dreams, and also what has allowed me to build on my dream for over 15 years.

So, I know it works.

And I know it can work for you too.

As soon as YOU decide that you want to start working for those dreams.

Regardless... I will keep dreaming of you, Friend.

Because YOU are my dream.

YOUR FREEDOM is a big part of my purpose in life.

Because your freedom is directly tied to somebody else's freedom that I can't reach.

And the more of us who step into our freedom, the more we can positively change the world.

Because that is what dreamers do.

That is what dreamers have always done.

The dreamers are responsible for ALL things great in the world.

So, revive your dream today...

Lock arms with me here.

And lets do this together.

Appreciate you, Friend.

Have a great day!


The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More! Let me help you here.


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