Subject: good morning

Good morning Friend.

I wanted to pop in and say how much I appreciate you giving me your time and attention..

And for trusting me to guide you into your freedom.

I fully believe that this isn't a business for me... it's a calling from God.

I believe we are all called to be free.

All with our own special purpose and people to serve.

Just wanted to send you a little reminder that the aching in your heart to be free is real.

The desires to do more, have more, be more, and give more were placed in your heart by God.

If there is anything I can do to help you get free to step into those dreams, let me know.

Or, if you just want to connect with somebody who gets you, I'm here.

Thanks, and hope you an amazing Sunday.

Nick Bramble

"You Have Been Called Free... So You Can Be More For Others" (Galatians 5:13)

833-219-0822 (text me)

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P.S. There are thousands of Freedom Crusaders here if you're looking for a place where you can belong and connect with other freedom driven, heart centered entrepreneurs.

Some of my favorite people in the world hang out here.

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