Subject: does God speak to you too?

God, the universe, space dust, aliens... whatever you believe in IS speaking to you...

I've been struggling a little bit with my energy in regards to my business.

And here's why...

I have been super focused on the technicals like learning new ad strategies, etc.

Which you need to know...

But I stopped paying attention to what really matters...


Why am I doing this...

And who do I feel like I want to serve...

And maybe most importantly...

WHO am I becoming in the process.

It's easy to get consumed with the learning and the technicals...

But the dream fuels everything.

In the dream is your energy.

In the dream is your purpose.

In the dream are the people who need you.

In the dream is the person YOU are meant to become.

It's funny... because I didn't realize it, and then the word "Dream" started to appear everywhere.

My wife brought home a giant piece for our office centered on the word "dream."

Sermons from the preachers I listen to were about "dreams."

Videos on YouTube were titled and centered around "dreams."

I wasn't actively searching for any of it.

But, I believe God was refocusing me.

I don't know what you believe in...


The Universe.

Space dust.


There is something bigger than us driving everything and if you pay attention to it...

It's speaking to you!

If you're ever struggling, or down, or lacking energy and focus for your business.

Slow down and pay attention.

Listen and see the messages that keep appearing all around you.

Because they are there guiding you.

And spend time DAILY focusing on your dream(s). The ones beyond the stuff that you want.

Focus on having the ability to serve the people, and communities, and causes that speak to your heart...

And what that means to you.

The skills matter.

The principles matter.

The goals matter.

But it's all fueled by the dream.

We don't often hyper focus on this stuff and most will focus on teaching you tricks and shiney object stuff mostly meant to steal your attention (and your money)...

But it's the most important.

All the other stuff becomes easier when you have this part of it nailed down!


The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!


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