Subject: did I show you my robots?

I have two automated robots that do over 90% of my work for me...

It still kind of baffles people that it's possible to actually create a 30 Minute Workday.

So today, I am going to give you my "secret."

Although again, if you've been paying attention to me, there are no secrets...

Just things the gurus don't tell you because they make money when they make things confusing for you.

Anyway, back to the good stuff...

The robots that do over 90% of the work for me!

Let me start by saying this...

This Email is My ENTIRE

Workday Today!

A single email, or post to social media, or quick podcast or video is almost always my entire workday.

After that, the robots take over.

In fact... robot #1 sent you this email today.

You and THOUSANDS of other people all got this email, and all I had to do is type it once and click send!

How awesome is that?

So, my second favorite robot you have probably guessed...

Is my autoresponder.

And here's something else cool about my robots...

They are insanely inexpensive.


Loose Change in The Couch

Cushions Cheap!

Robot #1 didn't even charge me for 30 days...

Then all he asks for is as little as 50 cents per day to collect and deliver thousands and thousands of emails for me.

That's a crazy awesome deal, I think!

Don't you?

But, if you noticed, I said the autoresponder is my SECOND favorite robot.

Sorry autoresponder, I love you, but...

My first love when it comes to my robots is the real powerhouse for me.

After I type this email and click send, my FAVORITE robot does literally everything else for me!

My favorite robot screens all of my incoming traffic and only attracts the perfect leads for me...

My favorite robot presents my offers for me night and day 24/7...

NEVER asking for a break.

He patiently answers all the questions my visitors have...

And he makes the PERFECT sales presentations every time.

It's literally like having the best salesperson on the planet working for me every second of every day.

My favorite robot is what allows me to enjoy my family, my hobbies, and my life...

And have sales coming in whether I am at the beach...

Or sleeping...

Or playing with my kids...

Or enjoying lunch with my wife...

Or anything else that I love.

Bottom line, my favorite robot allows me to enjoy an income WITHOUT trading any time to do it.

And that is what is called FREEDOM!

If you want to see my favorite robot...

You'll find him hard at work here.

He's pretty awesome... and guess what?

This automated sales robot will work just as hard FOR YOU too!

And double guess what??

He'll do it for about the cost of 3 vending machine gumballs per day!

That's just looney toodely crazy if you ask me.

But I don't complain.

I mean... who would?

I've been able to live a life of complete FREEDOM for over 15 years...

And my awesome robots ask for as little as $1.32 per day... COMBINED!




And I love mine.

Go say hi to my favorite one here.

He's awesome and always has time for more visitors.

And if you want him too...

He'll work just as hard for YOU too, so you can stop trading time for dollars and do whatever you love.

He's Waiting for Ya Right Here


The 30 Minute Workday

P.S.  You CAN Work Less and Live More!


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