Subject: death is coming. BUT, life is here NOW

My friend tried to save somebody last night, and they died right there in front of him...

So maybe this is a weird, and even disturbing email...

But I felt compelled to write it, so here goes.

My very best friend in the world was out to dinner last night and a woman started choking.

A man stated to do the heimlich on her, but my friend and his wife (a medical researcher and former ER nurse) noticed he was struggling and actually doing it incorrectly.

They both stepped in and continued the attempted rescue.

In the end, sadly the woman died (possibly of an apparent heart attack on top of choking).

My friend is devastated, and really struggling with seeing death up close and personal like that.

Crushed with not being able to save her.

"Life sucks sometimes" is all he could muster this morning when I reached out to him.

The entire event has me thinking deeply about life.

And really why I spend so much of mine trying to help get people to live theirs.

One of my conclusions is that...

Life Doesn't Suck at All

In fact... Life is beautiful.

Life is a miracle given to us as a gift.

Life has purpose and meaning.

And my own belief is that YOUR life is meant to be a gift to somebody else, or to some group, or community, or cause.

You were meant to do something while you are here to make sure that somebody else's life doesn't "suck."

Your dreams aren't just fleeting glimpses of a false reality...

They are a preview of a true reality that you are meant to live.

So, on a day like today, when the realization that our time left is unknown...

I want you to know that your dream NEEDS to come out.


Not at some point in the future, because we don't know how many ticks are left on the clock.

Your Dream is Meant to Come Out RIGHT NOW

Because, and please do not take this as me making light of a real death...

It's quite the opposite actually.

My goal is to help use the realization that death can happen at any time, to get you to live NOW.

Because, the reality is...

Somebody right now is waiting on you to save yourself, so you can save them too.

And I see every email I write.

Every video I shoot...

Every audio I record...

Every attempt to reach you as a life and death matter.

For you, and for countless others that will be reached as a cascading result.

I truly do.

And that is why I will continue to try to reach you.

Because I believe it is to save you.

To give you life.

To Bring Your Dreams Into Reality

So, you can turn around and save somebody else.

And if we all continue to step into our dreams...

The world little by little becomes a place of dreams that it really is meant to be.

So, TODAY is The Day to See Your Dream as Reality...

And do whatever it takes to make it come to life.

Because how much life is left we never know.

But, if we step into our dreams, and realize that what we all have is a gift meant to save others.

And if we give our love, and our value, and our gifts to as many people as we can...

We are doing what we were meant to, to open up people's eyes to the beautiful gift that is life.

So they can spend as much time actually living it as possible.

You matter.

Your gifts matter.

Your dreams are REAL and matter.

Don't waste another second.

Step into your dreams.

I am here to help.

To give you guidance, instruction, and my gifts to help you.

Don't wait to be ready.

You never will be.

Act Fiercely and With Immense Passion

Knowing that your dreams coming to reality is the difference between life and death.

Both yours...

And countless others that you don't even know yet.

If you're ready to live.

And to give others life.


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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