Subject: are you feeling responsible for this?

anyone who has ever done anything great and meaningful has done it with a sense of obligation

If you're feeling a sense of obligation, of responsibility to do more for others...

To be more for others in some way.

To give more to a specific group of people in some way.

You Need to Act on it NOW!

Truth is, people ARE waiting on you.

People will struggle without you.

Maybe even die without your contribution.

That sense of obligation isn't a feeling.

It's a desire that was placed in your heart the moment you were created.

Yes, your struggle and the struggle of others will continue if you ignore it.

But if you act on it, greatness is waiting.

Impact Will Happen.

Your life, and the life of others will flourish in ways you cannot even imagine.

Because the dream placed in you is ALWAYS bigger than your own vision.


Because if you saw how amazing your contribution was going to be, you might not believe it.

And that fear would hold you back.

So just act.

Trust in your sense of obligation.

Believe more in the dreams in your heart.

Become more to achieve them.

Be more for others.

And watch your life unfold in a way so magnificent you'll be in awe that it was even you that this greatness came through.

Do the right thing.

Serve others.

Unlock the greatness that you were born for.

Free yourself from the bonds of limited income.

Unlock yourself from the clock and give yourself unlimited time to serve and do and be.

Give yourself the skills and the ability to be free in every way.

So you can achieve every dream that is waiting to come out.

And free others to do and be and give more as well.

Because that's what we were meant to do.

For me, it's a God given responsibility.

I asked.

And the answer I got from God was...

You were CALLED to be free, to SERVE others and set others free

(Galatians 5:13).

I look forward to serving you.

Because in the end...

Greatness is Determined by Service.

~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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