Subject: are we right for each other?

I am not totally sure that this relationship is actually working, are you?

Is this relationship working, Friend?

I mean, do we even want the same things?

Here in the email below is what I offer.

If it resonates with you, maybe there is a chance this works.

If not... is it time to cut ties?

I don't really want to be just the guy who takes up space in your email inbox.

I want to be actually helping you.

Ok, here's what I got:

a step by step, over the shoulder training that walks you from nothing to a completely functional, ready to profit long term business in just 7 steps.

That can be completed in as little as 48 hours.

That doesn't ever require that you have your own products.

That requires no customer service.

Where all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff is done for you.

That allows you to build a business around ANYTHING that you love.

That shows you how to create long term, sustainable, legitimate monthly cash flow.

It's not push button.

(nothing is by the way, unless you're being lied to)

You will have to learn skills to be successful long term.

(but, the skills are simple and you have everything you need. Including personal help if you want it.)

If you take it seriously, you will have the skills and the steps to work WAY less, and make WAY more, so you can actually live the life that you dream about and desire.

In fact, most days an email like this is my entire "work" day.

And, it's what I LOVE doing, so it's simple.

You can turn whatever YOU love into an actual business that sets you free too.

Anyway... if it sounds like we're on the same page in this relationship, let's take it to the next level.

If not... that's cool too.

There's another link at the very bottom of this email where we can split ties.

And don't worry... it can be a nice, cool, friendly break up.

Nothing weird.

We just don't want the same things.

But, if we do... let's commit here.

Friends no matter what. 🙂


The "Get Job Free" in 2021 Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and Live Any Lifestyle YOU Choose!


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