Subject: You up? Thinking of you

You up Friend?

Just wanted you to tell you something you might think is weird coming from a "marketer."

But, maybe the truth is, I am NOT a marketer at all.

I am a dream builder and a future creator, and...

I Want Your FREEDOM. Not Your Money!

I've been spending A LOT of time thinking about you lately.



Maybe you find that weird, but it's true.

It's because while it's super easy to just get somebody to give you money for something...

What I am trying to do for you...

Scratch that, what I am trying to do WITH YOU...

Is way different.

A few years ago, I almost left the industry entirely, because I saw so many people just wanting to take, and not give.

What do I mean?

I mean that most businesses online in my space are transactional.

They exist to make sales.

What I want for you isn't just a transaction where you give me a few bucks, and then you get access to some product you never use.

I Want to Work WITH YOU to Help You Create The Transformations You Need in Your Life.

I want to be there with you to guide you into the skills, and tools, and resources, and personal shifts you need to acquire.

So you can unlock what you REALLY want.

True wealth.

And what is wealth anyway?

To me... it's a simple formula:

Time + Money + Freedom = Wealth

And the absolute most important thing I have learned in nearly 2 decades of successfully creating real wealth is this...

You can't get it from an ebook, or a course, or a 5 day challenge, or a webinar, or a video on YouTube.

You need real, personal, ongoing guidance from people who have been there.

And the more people you can be around who have true wealth, the faster you'll get there.

It's why when I saw that my friends Mike and Paul had created an entire COMMUNITY of wealthy people to help others achieve true wealth, I paused.

I didn't leave the industry like I thought I wanted to.

I found out that I was not alone.

I found out that there ARE others who truly want to help people, like you.

Who want to help you create the TRANSFORMATIONS you need in your life to unlock your freedom dreams.

They weren't selling products and just taking money.

They were dedicated to putting in the time and energy and personal touch needed to help you create real, life long changes that result in...

Real Life Long Wealth.

Because that's what you want, right?

A lifetime of time, and money, and freedom.

And because I saw them giving so much.

So selflessly.

Truly selflessly.

Because they both already have enough money to enjoy unlimited time and freedom for the rest their lives...

It's why I decided that I also must GIVE more to this place.

And so I used the skills that God placed in me to do what I do best...

And help them create an easier way for you to start quickly creating money in a way that gives you time and freedom.


Time + Money + Freedom = Wealth

And what's happened in the last few months has been magical.

People like you are winning faster.

People like you are winning easier.

People like you are winning long term!

You can see what we collaborated on here if you want to see a true wealth vehicle for yourself.

And as you close out all distractions and you pay super close attention to every word and sound on the page here...

Be aware that your mind will probably start having different thoughts than you're used to.

You'll probably find yourself thinking that this IS different.

That this community really is dedicated to helping you.

Serving you.

Guiding you.

Personally helping you achieve what you really want.

True wealth.

And you might just find yourself feeling really good that for as little as 82 cents per day (you read that right)...

You can get access today to a community... a family (see P.S.) who cares.

There are people here in this community who want you to win more than they want your money.

You might just finding yourself feeling what I felt.

Complete peace.

Complete joy.

Complete calm.

Knowing that you've found home.

Feels good, right?

Enjoy those feelings as you have an amazing Friday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

833-219-0822 (please text anytime)

P.S. You can text me, email me, or reach out to me on any of the platforms below...

P.P.S.  I have never seen a place in 20 years online that had people daily sending messages to the community like this.

Or, maybe I should say, the "Family."

It's special here, and you just might be starting to feel it too, right?


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