Subject: Work once. Enjoy 10 years of paydays

Simple question for you this morning, Friend.

Do you like to get paid once for the work you put in...

Or, do you want to get unlimited ongoing monthly paydays for the same work, even if you stop working completely?

Easy right?

We all want unlimited paydays that keep coming month after month whether we work or not!

That's like the definition of freedom.

With that in mind, here's a type of product you MUST build your business around.

Ongoing tools, services, and communities that people regularly use, access, or store critical data in.

Ongoing meaning the customers pays for the service on a monthly basis until they stop using it.

For example, consider the 2 main tools and services that are absolutely 100% necessary to build a business online.

Any business.

The first tool is a funnel builder, or page builder.

This is something that people can’t buy once and then never use again if they are using it to build businesses online.

Even if a person only built one site with it, everything is hosted on that tool, and if they stop using it…

They lose their site and their business!

Knowing this, I of course use a funnel building software...

But I also recommend that same software and get paid 80% commission on it every month my customers keep the software.

I've been getting weekly payouts from some of the same customers for 3 years now!

From "work" that I did one time.

I put "work" in quotes because is it really work to just recommend a really amazing tool that I use and love?

Not really!

Same with the second tool that is 100% necessary...

An autoresponder.

Once people start building a list, if they stop paying for their autoresponder, they lose everything.

And in case you're not aware, a person’s list IS their business online.

Throwing it away is the equivalent of throwing money out the window!

Needless to say, once people start building a list online...

They rarely close their autoresponder, and just as rarely move to a different autoresponder.

For this reason, I have been getting checks from the same customers for nearly 10 years...

Just by recommending this same autoresponder that I use and love!

Imagine getting paid for 10 years for the work you did one time!

I’ve gotta tell you, it’s awesome.

And again, by "work" I mean recommending cool stuff that you believe in, that you know will help people reach their desired outcomes faster.

To me... that's not even work!

It's just talking about cool stuff that I enjoy, and being helpful.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you missed it, here's the funnel building tool that I use if you want to check it out.

Only $25 bucks and it dishes out 80% to YOU for every customer you refer.

That $20 per customer per month if math isn't your thing.

Trust me, it adds up quickly.

And here's something else I didn't talk about...

Because I need the tools I am recommending, instead of having them as an expense...

I get PAID to use them!

Yes... you can actually get paid just to use the tools that you need to build your business.

I've how I've basically built my entire business for 18 years totally expense free!

If you need one that is simple, affordable, and has amazing customer service... you'll probably love it too.

They give me 33% on every customer I refer, and have been sending me checks like clockwork every month for 10 years.

Pretty cool stuff.

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