Subject: Woah... We just fed 7,916 children 😀

Wowzers... Check out what our home business community just did, Friend!

I am so excited by this.

Yes, using this business model you can see we also crossed the 190k in a single month paid to families mark, which is awesome.

But, so much more piercing to my heart (in a good way)...

Is that while we are changing our own lives, we are impacting the world around us in a massively positive way.

That 7,916 represents DAYS of meals that we were able to provide to children all over the world.

If you think about that for a second... that's over 21 YEARS worth of meals provided in a single month.

I am so in love with what we are doing here.

It's what I have always wanted in my heart, but thought didn't exist.

Which is to...

Build the largest community of servant based entrepreneurs on the planet who have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create wealth...

In a way that gives us the time and freedom to spend our time with those we love the most...

Doing the things we love the most…

While serving the people, communities, and causes that speak to our hearts.

If any of that resonates with you, and you feel like you could call a place like this home too...

Here's a raw and personal inside look at our community.

Whether you look or not, I am just so proud of what we are doing, and so grateful to be aligned with like minded people who actively change the world around them.

If you can find a place like this for yourself... wow, life just gets so much more amazing and fun!

Thanks for spending some time on a Friday with me, Friend

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. Nevada loves the care, the love, and the success she is finding here too!


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