Subject: 🔵What is "playing with the dog" money

Have you ever heard of "playing with the dog" money. Probably not, but I am going to show you why it's the best kind

What the heck is "Playing with the dog" money, Friend?

Seems weird only because most never make it.

But it's actually what I'm always calling...

Freedom Money!

And Mitch just made some.

(Turn on images to see proof).

If you don't know what freedom money is, it's making money while you're enjoying life.

Or sleeping.

Or, you guessed it...

Playing with the dog like Mitch!

Bottom line about freedom money is this...

If you don't learn to create the money you need WITHOUT trading time to do it...

You'll never have a life of freedom.

Every dollar you need will have to suck up some of your time., and pull you away from everything you love and want to do.

Doesn't seem like an even trade, does it?

I never thought so.

If you'd like to learn to do it, you probably are wanting to check out this this new business model, because it pays out almost entirely in "Freedom" money.

Happy Saturday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

833-219-0822 (please text anytime)

P.S. You can text me, email me, or reach out to me on any of the platforms below...

P.P.S.  Here is some of that "Freedom Money" that came in for me this morning while I was grocery shopping.

Now, grocery shopping isn't what I'd call things I love doing, but if I've gotta do it...

Might as well have some commissions coming in, right? 🤑

That's 3 sales coming in while I wasn't trading my time to create them.

Pretty cool stuff.

Here's exactly how it happened.


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