Subject: Want a sneak peek into my office?

I have this picture up in my office that says...

"Dream. Until Your Dreams Come True"

I love it and we built the entire office around it.

But, I always feel like I should stamp onto it...

"Then DO!"

Because the truth is, we ALL dream.

But, only the ones who actually DO anything with those dreams floating around in our heads and hearts can create amazing lifestyles.

Build incredible things.

And positively impact the world.

It has to be YOU that makes the future awesome, Friend.


Because the "DO" dreamers are the only people who EVER change the world in a forward and positive way.

The Do-dreamers (like you) see a better future, a better self, a better family, a better community...

And then you go and create it by DOing.

You're actually a "Do" Dreamer because you have decided to take action on creating the future that you see.

You reading this email is proof of that.

I believe that my entire God given purpose here on earth, is to help set you free to serve and love on the people you were placed here to serve. (Galatians 5:13).

FREE The Dreamer!

That's a phrase placed in my heart by God that calls to me daily.

Because, the brightest, most positive, and God breathed future lives in the hearts and minds of the do-dreamers like you.

And again...

"DO" Dreamers are the only people who have, and who will continue to positively move the world forward.

The only ones who will create futures that serve all people in the way God intended.

So, listen to the calling that you just can't shake.

And let me help you DO something about it.

Because here's what I know about you, Friend.

You are a dreamer, and you're ready to start DOing.

You are ready to join the land of the "DO" Dreamers.

A land where we imagine the future and then go make it happen.

As a great man, Erwin McManus says…

“We are imagined to imagine.

Created to create.

Designed to design

Both works of art and artists at work.”

We know that the best future lives in the hearts and minds of the dreamers who act…

The DO Dreamers!

If that message calls out to you and fires you up like it does me...

Let's join forces and start changing the world together.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. If you missed it, here's some of the results of our doing from just the last 30 days!

WOW! Changing families lives by providing freedom... AND feeding starving children all over the world at the same time.

I LOVE being a Do-Dreamer.

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